[FM] How I became a cheat

Stories that begin with “I never thought I would…” always seemed so cliche, but here I am, not ashamed.

I never thought I would ever stray or be seduced, let alone deliberately put myself in the position where infidelity was all but guaranteed, nonetheless, here I am writing my own true story.

I was raised religious, and was still a virgin when I got married. Nonetheless, my husband, Jay, and I had a great sex life. He had previous experience, which we did not discuss, but was apparent in his love making and I slowly developed a love of erotic fiction. That was probably the first step towards actual “misbehaviour” but it never registered on my conscience. To me the first step was an otherwise regular Wednesday morning.

I was organising my daughters to be picked up by a girlfriend, so I could get to a much needed hair appointment. In a rush to get my daughters ready, I had neglected myself and was still in a comfortable bra and panties that I put on quickly after a shower. I thought nothing of it, as it was not odd for my friend to see me in that state. However, when the doorbell sounded I was not expecting her husband Marcus.