[m] My first one-night stand was so weird

I went to a wedding in Portland, Oregon when I was about 28, and I was supposed to go with a girl I had been dating. We dated for about 6 weeks and she left for a 7-week creative writing program in England. We stayed in touch almost daily the first 4-5 weeks before the emails started thinning out. Then the last week she was there: nada.

The reason? She fucked a guy named Teddy and liked him. Now they were dating. Seriously. Yeah, so Jen and I were supposed to go out west to this wedding (had the plane tickets and everything) like 3 weeks after she got back. Well, um, nope.

So I went solo. Only really knew the guy getting married (good buddy from HS) and like 3-4 of our friends, all of whom brought dates. I was the only single guy at the table. So awkward.

Halfway through the wedding reception, one of the bridesmaids (Sarah) I had been talking to came over to my table. I was sitting there just nursing a beer and honestly waiting for the thing to end. She was barely 23 — recent college grad, cute, brunette, big rack, decent body and nice little dimples. Not smoking hot, I thought, but on a tough-grading scale, she was an 8 or an 8.5 on a good day.