Thinking of You

An idea can infiltrate your mind. As I lay restlessly toying with it. Taking it apart and putting it back together again. Running it over and over until I’ve seen it from every angle. 

Tonight, that is where you find me. Trapped in the idea of it, of him, of what I so desperately want. The idea is powerful, arousing, and comforting.

I lay in bed, the shallow breaths creating a pressure on my body, trapping me in the isolation of the fleeting moment: an isolation that disappears the moment that I find the thought again. 

In my mind, it is so vivid that it could almost feel real, as I begin to rub my clitoris I feel the tingle in my lower back. I know how to move, I know where to go and as the shallow breaths hasten with intensity I continue to redirect the thoughts to do their part – creating more texture and detail to the imagery.

As the thought manifests itself, I’m no longer alone… I imagine his hand on my breast, his tongue on my neck. As I slowly move my finger inside myself, it’s no longer my hand. The thought is growing. I can taste his erection, I can smell the sweet scent of his sweat.