[MF] Sex in the Office

I got horny at work and needed to write. Lmk what you think!

“See you guys Monday” Kylie said as she was leaving the office.

“Thank God she’s gone, I can’t stand listening to her bitch about her crazy nights out anymore. She’s still out having fun on her own accord. Stop bitching!” You exclaim, not intending it to leave your head. “Oops, shouldn’t have said that”.

“No, you’re fine! I was thinking the same thing!” I agreed.
“She really doesn’t understand how lucky she is without all of the responsibilities”.

“Speaking of which, I was thinking about getting a drink after work, wanna join?” You ask me, knowing I still have an hours worth of work before heading home.

“I wish, but I’ve gotta get this stuff done before I go”

You pause to think, and say “I’ll be back soon”. About 20 minutes later, you come back with a couple of six-packs in your hands. You put one on my desk and say “if you can’t come drink, I’ll just bring the drink to you”.

Voyeuristic Fantasy, part two [FM]

You think to yourself “there’s no way I’m thinking about doing this, my boss’ cum is still leaking out of me, I should go home and shower.” But you can’t force yourself to push the button to start the car, no matter how hard you try. Your mind can’t refuse the experience it desires, after all, you did just put on a show for the voyeur, but you’re still not satisfied. You need to feel satisfied, and you saw him, you know he wants to be the one who does it.

You button up your blouse, pull your skirt down, but leave the black thong on the floor of your car; you won’t be needing it, and it’s full of your boss’ cum. You look up again at the window. He’s still there, slowly stroking his cock. Your eyes meet, he winks and your pussy blushes with warmth, it knows the excitement that’s to come.

Shaking with nervous anticipation, you open the car door and step out. You glance up at the window one final time, he motions his finger in a motion you crave. Thinking about his hands on you, your pussy shows its hand and starts to drip down your thigh. You can’t turn back now, if you do, you’ll never know a pleasure like this again.

Voyeuristic Fantasy [FM]

You’ve just read the CNC short that I wrote in your office at work. Your heart can’t stop pounding, you keep thinking back to it, picking your favorite parts and visualizing them in your head. The thought of it, playing on repeat, over and over, increasing your heart rate as you’re walking to your car.

You drop your keys twice trying to get it unlocked, your head is a million miles away from your body right now, aching for what you’ve just read to come true. Just a piece, even for a moment. Finally, the car is unlocked and you get in the driver’s seat. When you sit down, you feel what you know had been happening on the walk to the car. Your inner thigh is wet, you’ve been so turned on that you couldn’t contain the juices that betrayed you while at work.
Without thought or hesitation, you find that your hand is already down your pants, pushing against the belt and the button on your uniform pants. You open your phone to read it again, aching to be on that office couch, lying there helplessly asleep, waiting for your midshift visitor to come. In reality, your hand is rubbing your clit ferociously, unconsciously so.