Splitting wood was something Jack enjoyed, he’d gotten really good too, usually splitting a log with one balanced blow. Considering he’d only been here since May, he felt good about his becoming accustomed to the work. The solitude was also nice. “This’ll be my first winter without her”. He thought, as his ax fell true on to a new log. “God I miss her…why didn’t I push her to seek out new treatments?” But she hadn’t wanted that, she’d accepted her fate and insisted on being comfortable instead. “It is what it is” he murmured as he swung down one more time.
There isn’t much to hear way out in the sticks, a few birds, some trees dancing in the wind and if he’s lucky, some rustling brought on by a squirrel scurrying about. It came as complete shock to him when he heard her voice. At first he thought his mind was playing tricks on him, that is until he heard it again. “Hello…can anybody here me?” the voice said, Jack looked up, but hesitated calling back for fear of being crazy. “What if no one’s there?” He thought. “Well Jack, if no one’s there than you’re crazy, accept it and move on.” Hellllooo! The voice called out again. “Can I help you?” His voice croaked from lack of use and from behind a thicket of trees appeared a tiny shape, he squinted his eyes to get a better look but it had gotten close to dusk and so he began walking cautiously towards her mindlessly gripping the axe tightly. As he got closer he noticed she had long auburn hair and a full shape for a small frame.
“Are you ok?” his voice almost seemed normal in his head this time. “Yes. Do you have a phone I can borrow?” She asked tiredly. “I couldn’t get any reception before my battery died and I need to call my husband and let him know that the car broke down again.” “No, Sorry, I don’t. Not much use for one out here.” He said as he glanced around suspiciously. They stood there for a spell, before she broke the silence. “Do you have any water?” Immediately his brain kicked in. “Dammit Jack where is your fucking head at?!?! Offer her some water, dumbass!” He thought. Sure, I have a well outback, it’s cold and it’s clean. “Might smell funny” he thought. Silence again. “Can I have some?” She asked with a confused smile. “Smooth dickhead, very smooth!” He said to himself. He hadn’t always been bad at conversation but being up here had slowed him. “Absolutely, yeah..uhh, follow me.” He started around back and was almost to the side of the cabin when he looked and realized she wasn’t behind him. He stopped. “Is everything ok?” He asked. “Of course not dumbshit, she’s alone in the woods with a fucking stranger. Have you always been this dense?” He mused. Before she could say something he lifted both hands in a submissive gesture. “How about I bring it to you?” He said with a mild aloofness. “Thank you.” She said. Her face turned a bright pink. It should have been hard to see in the dimming light but he caught it nonetheless. What he lacked in social queues he made up for in heightened observation. As he made his way back to her with a bottle full of water (he picked the cleanest one he could find) it dawned on him how incredibly lonely he was. “You’d probably have a shot if you thought about shaving once in a while, maybe take a bath once in a while.” His inner voice was extra cynical today. “Here you go, if you’d like I could bring…” before he could finish the sentence she grabbed the water from him and didn’t come up for air until it was emptied. “Wow! You must’ve been thirsty. Anyway, I have food inside, a warm fire and a bed? I don’t think it’s smart to head into town until the morning.” He wasn’t afraid of the dark, it was going to get cold tonight and the town was a ten mile hike and Jack didn’t have a car, just an old nag who hated strangers and an ancient temperamental snowmachine. She looked at him warily and then looked around. “Only the one bed?” She asked hesitantly. “I have an old chair that the place came with, it’s actually pretty comfortable, I fall asleep in it all the time.” Almost a full minute had gone by before she spoke up. “I really appreciate the water and you seem nice enough but I think I should try to make it home tonight. “Quick asshole say something” he shouted in his head. “I have candy?” He said and instantly he regretted it. “HAHAHA! I have candy? Really? What makes you think she’s going to trust you more simply because you have candy? If anything she’s going to trust you less, dumbass.” “What I mean is, I just got my monthly supplies delivered and candy is always the first thing to run out.” He said with a slight sense of shame in his voice. “What kind do you have?” She asked with a hesitant smile. “Hmm…M&M’s and some Swedish fish or I can make some cookies or something. Any man willing to admit he has Swedish fish is probably trustworthy, right?” He asked through his nervous smile. She smiled back, her eyes sparkling in the twilight. “Look, I know I’m coming off 50 shades of crazy here but it’s because…I don’t get many visitors.” He said. “Especially ones that look like you.” The last part , he kept to himself.
At first glance the place seemed cozy enough, one big room with a kitchenette and small table tucked in the corner. A large open fireplace with an old reading chair placed in front of it and a small bed on the opposite side. Jack lit a few oil lamps and she could just make out a small door leading to what she hoped was a bathroom. She had been holding it now for what seemed like forever. May I use your bathroom?” She asked in a tone just above a whisper. “Sure, it’s right behind that door. I hope you’re not claustrophobic, it’s kind of small.” He said. “Not to mention, filthy” he thought regretfully. “Take a lamp with you.” He said. She smiled, picked up a lamp from the table and made her way to the door. she had opened and closed it in a movement so swift, he almost thought she had not opened it at all. Jack scanned the room making sure it was tidy. “Sheets!” He exclaimed and ran over to the shelves in the kitchenette and grabbed the only other sheet he owned. He quickly stripped the bed and was just finishing tucking in the last corner when he noticed she was watching him. He froze for a split second and then smiled. “I figured you’d want to have clean sheets.” He said. “Thank you…did you say you had something to eat?” She asked. “Absolutely, anything in particular you’re in the mood for?” He asked. “Whatever’s easy. I’d been walking for awhile when I heard you chopping wood and…I didn’t have breakfast before I left this morning.” He walked over to the shelves again, grabbed the cutting board, a loaf of bread, a hunk of cheese and a roll of salami. Placed it on the board and walked it over to the table. “I have beer or water, oh and coffee?” He said. “Water works great.” “OK, I’ll go and fill a pitcher real quick.” And before he could move, she blurted, “No! don’t, beer’s fine.” He gave her a puzzled look to which she sheepishly replied, “I just, don’t want to be left alone in here.” “Ohh…I got ya. I do have some in here but it’s a day old and I figured you’d want some fresh water instead.” He said “That works great.”
They ate in silence and without much eye contact for almost an hour before she stood up and began taking her coat off. Jack tried not to watch as she stretched her chest to get the coat off her shoulders, but it was far too difficult a task. She had an amazing figure, big beautiful breasts, a small lean midsection that expanded to the fullest hips her frame could hold together. The more he looked, the more he felt the tingle that comes when blood is moving too fast to a certain area, similar to a bruise. He began to feel that old throbbing in his groin. He knew he needed to look away, but his eyes wouldn’t listen. She was captivating. It wasn’t until she noticed him staring and quickly placed her arms across her chest that he was made aware of how creepy he was being. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t…” she cut him off mid-sentence. “I’m exhausted, can we go to bed?” She asked. “Yeah, uhm…I don’t have anything comfortable for you to wear but… “ she interrupted again. “Its fine, I plan on sleeping in my clothes.” She said curtly. As she made it to the bed she turned to face him. “I really am grateful for all the kindness you’ve shown me, and I’m sorry if I’ve been short. I’m just really upset that I’m in this situation in the first place.” She said with a small scowl on her face. “What happened?” Jack asked. “If you don’t mind me asking?” She looked to the floor and said “I told my husband the car had been acting up and he said he’d look at it, but never did.” “Oh. So what were you doing way up here?” He asked. “I was hoping to take some photos of the foliage and just clear my head I guess. I’m Claire, in case you were wondering.”she added. “Nice to meet you Claire, I’m jack.” And as he got up to shake her hand he realized his erection was still at full tilt. She had taken notice as well but instead of turning away or being shocked by his hard on, she smiled at him coyly. Embarrassed he quickly sat back down. She sat on the edge of the bed and began taking her boots off, five minutes pass without a word when she broke the silence. “Well, good night Jack and thanks again for everything.” She said. “Good night Claire, it’s been really nice having someone to talk to so the pleasure’s all mine.” He replied.
A full hour had past and his cock was still throbbing, his ass was numb from sitting on the kitchen chair. He was almost sure Claire had fallen asleep because her breathing had changed. He quietly got up and moved over to the reading chair and sat down. He had planned on building a fire a while ago but his bulging member wasn’t having any of that, it wanted release. He pulled a blanket over him and began undoing his fly, he looked over towards Claire one more time to make sure she hadn’t stirred. Once he felt alone in the room he closed his eyes and began thinking about Claire taking her jacket off. “God, look at those magnificent tits!” he thought. “I bet she has rosy pink nipples!” He began slowly massaging his hard-on while the images of the night ran through his mind. It didn’t take long for him to climax however it took every fiber of restraint in him not to scream her name. His body started to convulse on its own as the tension left him, then his body began breathing on its own again, rapid short breaths at first, tapering to a semi normal speed. “I’ll just lay here for a second before I clean up and start a fire. Famous last words.” he mused as he drifted into an orgasm induced coma.
Suddenly, his eyes opened as if he had never fallen asleep and immediately felt the warmth coming from the fire. Claire was laying on the floor under a blanket facing the fire. He sat up and quietly said her name. “I hope you don’t mind me starting a fire? I woke up shivering and didn’t want to wake you so I built one.” She said as she rolled over. He instantly noticed she had taken off her bra leaving her t-shirt to try and contain her ample chest. It was failing, gloriously. “I don’t mind.” Is all he could muster. “Where do you keep those beers you said you had?” She asked as she stood up. To his surprise she had taken her pants off as well and her shirt wasn’t even making an attempt to cover anything below her navel. “Uhm…they’re outside, would you like me to grab you one?” He asked as he stood. He almost remembered his cock was still out of his pants in time to stay covered. Almost. He looked down at the floor as he grabbed his semi-swollen member and stuffed it back into his pants. “Sorry about that.” He said embarrassingly. “You don’t have to apologize, we all have needs.” She said with a playful grin. He grinned back and quickly went out the door before she could say another word. “FUCK!” He thought to himself as he walked around back to his cold storage. “Wait, she didn’t seem startled by what she saw, in fact she seemed, to enjoy it. Did she enjoy it? Only one way to find out.” He thought as he grabbed a couple beers and made his way back. Upon opening the door he noticed she was over at the shelves rooting around for something and of course, this gave him an absolutely stunning shot of her shapely backside. She was wearing a hot pink thong. “God, please bend over!” He thought. Instead she whirled around and asked, “Where’s the candy?” he smiled and began walking towards her. “It’s on the top shelf” he said as he extended his arm to grab the box full of goodies.
“Good beer and swedish fish is such a fantastic way to spend the early hours of a cold night!” She said as she shifted her body to a more comfortable position. “Good conversation too!” He murmured as he took a swallow of beer. They had set up a picnic style spread in front of the fireplace and had polished off a sixer and half of everything else they had set before them. “How long had they been talking?” he thought. “An hour?” Maybe it was the buzz from the alcohol but he had lost his sense of time. “Why are you out here?” She asked. His smile faded as he stared into space silently. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry or bring up the past. I was just curious and….” “My wife died 6 months ago” he interjected. “Ohh! I’m so sorry.” She said with the perfect amount of empathy in here voice. “How’d it happen?” She asked. “Complications from an autoimmune disease.” They sat in silence for a bit before he spoke. “Everything I thought I knew before she passed no longer made sense and I grew tired of all the sad looks and the “you ok’s?” from everyone. We talked about buying a place like this and one day I took a drive up here to get away and found this place with a for sale sign. Two days later I was giving away all our stuff and headed up here.” He said in a monotone voice. She must’ve suddenly become aware of her semi-naked body because she sprung up and crossed her legs over her chest. “When was the last time you had a conversation with someone?” She asked as she rested her chin on her knee. “I talk to Pete the delivery guy about once a month but that’s about it since I’ve been here.” He said while finishing the remaining beer in his bottle. “And when was the last time a woman kissed you out of the blue?” She asked. He smiled and looked over at her. He hesitated for a second and before he knew what was going on, her lips were on his. He tried to pull back from shock but she kept constant pressure between them. Her mouth was soft and warm, her breath had a hint of sweetness as she slightly parted her lips and pushed her tongue gently out to brush his lips. The next time she opened her lips her tongue was instantly met by his. He began to get bolder by the second, taking her left nipple in between his fingers and gently squeezing it. She moaned softly into his mouth, which gave him all the confidence he needed to take control. He pushed her onto her back and continued exploring her mouth with his tongue, his hand made its way to her hip and began firmly kneading just above the bone. She broke their kiss just enough to moan softly in his ear, “God that feels so good.” She whispered. He began covering her neck and shoulder with kisses and then lightly traced the shape of her ear with his tongue. “I want to be with you.” He growled softly. Electricity shot through her body causing her to shiver and squeeze her arms around his neck. She found his mouth again with hers only this time there wasn’t anything holding her back, she kissed him hard, she kissed him wet and she kissed him good. His response was equally uninhibited, tugging her shirt up and off, he began sucking on her right nipple while toying the other. Her fingers were combing through his hair while she laid there with her eyes closed. He began making a trail of kisses from her nipples down to her navel and as he worked his way down he began to smell her delicious scent. He planted one last kiss above her panties before reaching up with both hands and grabbing on to the fabric that hid her sex from him. He pulled them off and for a split second he paused and admired her beautifully trimmed slit. Slowly he moved his mouth down to her inner thighs and began kissing and licking, alternating between both legs and ending with his nose lightly resting just above her clit. Her scent had a natural feminine quality to it, he softly planted a kiss just to the left of her opening and then the right and then opened his mouth slightly and began gently kissing her lips. Electricity shot through her body again only this time it didn’t escape, it stayed inside her, pulsing through each nerve in her body. She began raising her hips to meet his mouth eagerly, he began to part his lips wider and his tongue began to stick out more alternating between licking and sucking her pleasure. Her legs began to tighten along with her fingers in his hair. He moved his left hand up to her breast and began pinching and twisting her nipple while his right hand began exploring her wetness. With his mouth still on her clit he slowly thrust his middle finger inside her, softly rocking it back and forth until he felt her loosen. Now two fingers are forcing their way into her and she begins to sway harder and faster, he meets her intensity so that her movements and his tongue and fingers are in prefect sync. “Don’t stop Jack…I’m close…God! Keep going! Yes! FUCK! I’m coming!” She loudly moans. Instantly her entire body goes rigid and silent as she slowly lets out a guttural moan. She begins trying to catch her breath but as she’s lying there, Jacks managed to remove his pants and his now fully erect cock is right at her opening. She looks into his eyes and sees the lust that he’s been dealing with all night and as she begins to smile he forces his entire shaft inside her setting off an array of pleasure and pain to course through her once again. His rhythm was met with her own and they began gyrating in unison, fucking each other as though nothing else in the world existed. Jack grabs her legs and pushes them up which gives his cock an additional amount of length to force inside her. As he’s forcing all he has in her he begins kissing her feet and sucking her toes to which she closes her eyes, arches her back and begins moaning, her legs tighten once again as she orders him not to stop. Jack didn’t know how close he was to his own climax until he saw her hold her breath. Once her body released the tension it had, he came. His reality began to slowly fade into a foggy dream like state. He rolled off of her and onto his back. His mind blank and his body unresponsive he began to doze.