My first creampie with my FWB in a public kitchen while abroad

Several years back, during my last year at uni I went on an abroad program to Italy. Pretty quickly into the the trip I started hooking up with the girl across the hall who was also part of my program. For reasons not really important we decided to just keep it between ourselves, and so fucking became a little adventure. Ofc we preferred our rooms when roommates weren’t around, but often resorted to the stairwells, service closets, and frequented the shared kitchen for our apartment floor. How we never got caught, I have no clue.

Though this is the story of one particular night. We all had decided to go into the city and bar hop, there was a festival going on so it was busy, the town was lively. After a while, half of our group got tired and decided to head back to our building, but the rest of us kept on and went to hit the clubs. We ended up at one playing just classic oldies and we all danced until it closed. I was the only guy at this point so I did the gentlemen’s duty of dancing with each girl, and was passed around throughout the night. My FWB didn’t mind, her and I played it very lowkey when in groups, and it seemed like she almost enjoyed watching me get handed from girl to girl. On the way back I knew she was dying for me to fuck her. Acting more drunk than she was, clinging to me, grabbing at my crotch when no one was looking.