Mimi gives a Massage

Mimi was running late. She was antsy that day, she woke up from a dream of getting fucked, but sadly she was all alone. She needed a quick shower, and wish she had time to relieve herself with the showerhead, but she knew her client was waiting. Dammit she thought. Her clit and labia was swollen and she knew she would have to deal with those urges to relieve herself all day.
A quick dry off, she started getting dressed. Shit, where are my panties. Dammit, I should’ve done the laundry. She slipped on a skirt and a lacy black bra and a shirt. Twisted her hair up and it was on her way.
She rushed into the parking lot at work. Deep breath‘s girl, you’ve got this., she thought . Angelica, the receptionist said, “Mimi your first client is waiting in room number one. I have to leave to bring my daughter to the doctor.” Mimi was uneasy, normally someone else is in the spa, but now she would be all alone with her new client.

Show me your gun, Sir

Show me your gun, Sir

Mimi woke up late, a quick shower and jump on the scale determined she was down 55 pounds. She decided today would be the day to celebrate with her skimpy work out clothes. She had been hiding her body for years due to her 16 year deadbedroom and failing marriage. She had a 20 minute commute to her gun introduction class, she was so nervous. Her mind drifted to the possibility of a room full of hot men , men that liked to hunt and had a rough edge to them, powerful strong men. Her anxiety started to kick in,” What are you doing ?” , she thought. She counterbalanced quickly with ,”Mimi, you want to be on your own , you need a gun to protect yourself, grow up and accept the reality of the times.” It was such a contrast to the loving sweet side , grass is always greener attitude she always embraced. If Covid taught her anything, the grass wasn’t greener and the 10 year dry spell without sex was taking a toll on her.

Show me your gun, Sir

Mimi woke up late, a quick shower and jump on the scale determined she was down 55 pounds. She decided today would be the day to celebrate with her skimpy work out clothes. She had been hiding her body for years due to her 16 year deadbedroom and failing marriage. She had a 20 minute commute to her gun introduction class, she was so nervous. Her mind drifted to the possibility of a room full of hot men , men that liked to hunt and had a rough edge to them, powerful strong men. Her anxiety started to kick in,” What are you doing ?” , she thought. She counterbalanced quickly with ,”Mimi, you want to be on your own , you need a gun to protect yourself, grow up and accept the reality of the times.” It was such a contrast to the loving sweet side , grass is always greener attitude she always embraced. If Covid taught her anything, the grass wasn’t greener and the 10 year dry spell without sex was taking a toll on her.