An Unexpected Rendezvous with an Asian Milf

I was on another long mountain bike ride. I love hiking and biking and have done a lot more biking as my knees like running less after all the marathoning I did when I was younger. I had decided to go out on the C&O Canal Towpath, a great trail for some nice long distance biking. I was about 10 miles out from where I parked and it was pretty deserted in that area. It was pretty warm, too, so I knew of a little open spot a couple of minutes ahead where there was a rest stop. I pulled in and noticed another bike there, but nobody was around. There was a porta-potty there and about the time I stopped and leaned my bike against a tree, the door to the potty opened and a good-looking Asian woman came out. I had my camelback nozzle in my mouth drinking when she came out. I finished drinking and said a quiet hello. Most of the folks out here were not chatty and just wanted to get on their bike and get done with their workout.

She looked at me and smiled. “You wouldn’t happen to have a spare tube, would you?”