Two di[f]ferent boys in one day. The first in the morning…

I’m not gonna lie… I was pretty promiscuous this entire month. However, I really was not expecting to have sex on either of these occasions. This is just the first one…

I had started this particular morning just running errands, and then a boy I had met off an app had called me for fun. We chatted as I drove, and he explained he was really tired after dropping off his dad at the airport really early this morning. I then offered him to come chill with me in my family home.

Emphasis on the “family” home because that meant my mom was there. Not only that, but my uncle was also staying over. So considering that, I really was just intending to let him lay down, I’d cuddle him… maybe stroke his hair. Just something sweet and lowkey because he said he was tired.

He meets me at my house. He’s like “Dude, I’m so tired.” And I kind of laugh and say, “Yeah, I know haha. Let’s go inside.” We pass by my mom, so I sort of lightly introduce them to each other. She asks who he is and I just allude to the fact he’s a friend and that he just wants to rest a little before he goes home. She’s like okay, go ahead, you’re welcome here. Little did she know…

Date 1.2 – I did anal for the [f]irst ti[m]e… and it was amazing.

Of course you’re here to read about my first anal experience, but as a bonus let’s talk about my work day because I ended up stuffing a toy inside both my holes all day long. If you look on my profile, I have a toy with two ends that I shoved into my pussy and asshole all day long. I forgot that every time I use the bathroom, I’ll have to take it out. But I kept it in because I felt so naughty. I took pics and everything for my reddit daddies. See my profile to see what I’m talking about. ;)

Finally, after my work day I headed over to my perfect man’s house. As I made my way over, kind of should have turned it on… that would have been fun. But anyways, I get to his house and he has a dog and a cat. They are fond of me immediately, but I was excited to show him MY pussy hehe.

We do the day recap because we are civilized humans… but eventually we’re making out and he suggests we move to the bedroom.


Date 1.1 – Casual tinder date turned into car [f]ingerfucking… [m]an it was nice.

I met the perfect man and we would’ve fucked on the first date if we had a room…

The date itself was actually so fun. He took me to a whiskey bar, so we sampled whiskeys together and he was so knowledgeable. Our thighs were cozy under the bar overhang, and I couldn’t help but make flirty eyes and laugh with him. Plus, he was getting me just a little drunk off all those whiskeys. The food (barbecue btw) was incredible. As the date finished, I was already in bliss. But we walked a little through town, and as I felt my drunkinness kind of hit we settled onto a public bench in this downtown area. People were definitely walking by, but mostly minding their business.

He already started to get handsy and touchy, but in a way that was gentle and eager. He practically pulled me onto his lap, at some point I was basically straddling him. For the sake of the discomfort the public, I asked him to let me bring my legs back together haha. He suggested, “So not to be forward, but do you wanna go behind one of those cars and furiously make out?” I lightly chuckle and say, “Not right now haha. I prefer a bed or at least a car.”