Katie goes to the hood [interracial]

Katie was a beautiful, intelligent young girl. Her two most loved hobbies included reading and smoking. She was fairly short and had long dark hair, dyed red. She had a very small, but fit ass and her breasts were rather large for such a slim girl. She had glasses with thick black rims and the cutest little dimples when she smiled.

She recently just broke up with her boyfriend, Pat, after almost a year of dating. A few years older than her, he mostly just worked and played videogames. He just wasn’t meeting her needs, both sexually and emotionally, at all anymore. Katie made the difficult, but necessary decision to pack up and move back into her mom’s house.

Katie spent several days crying over her failed relationship. She spent most of her time in bed. Cigarette after joint, chain smoking her ex away. After about a week, Katie ran out of weed. She couldn’t hit up her regular guy anymore because he was best friends with Pat. She did not want to deal with that drama right now.

Unsure of where to score on a Friday night, she texts her cousin Nicole.

Fiance Finds [Femdom] Part 1

Me[25] and my fiance’s[24] sex life was never dull by any stretch of the imagination. However, it did take a dramatic turn on the day she discovered Femdom. What started as a discussion with one of her girlfriends, ended up into days of internet research and new self discovery. Aimee was usually always the submissive one but was starting to fall in love with the idea.

After five years of being together the sex was still incredible. We could make passionate love or fuck like pornstars. Aimee was a beautiful brunette with bangs. She had lustful eyes that were brown or green, depending on her mood. Small perky breasts and a slim figure that accentuated my favorite part of her… her ass. I absolutely worshipped her butt, along with her thick, smooth thighs.

It all started one day when I came home from work and there was a package at the door. I brought it in for Aimee and she got excited. I asked what it was.

“I was thinking we’d try something a little different tonight.” she smiled.

The Fiance’s Ex Part 2 [cuckold]

“Hey bro! I’d love to fuck Allie again! But idk, seems a little weird. I just don’t wanna make things awkward for you guys after. Are you a cuck or something? ”

I recieved the message about an hour later, my thoughts have calmed down by now. What did I get myself into? I’ve never fantasized about being a cuck or anything like that before. I was usually protective over the women I’ve been with, but something just took over me.

“I don’t want things to get weird. I just saw all the pleasure she was getting from you on the video and it turned me on. I’ve never thought of myself as a cuck, but yeah I guess lol. I’m just not sure how to tell her.” I hit send and almost immediately got a reply.

“It’s cool dude, I totally get it. How we gonna make this happen?”

“Well I’ll have to bring it up to her, and then we could make up some ground rules.” I replied nervously.

“Don’t worry about Allie, I’ll take care of her haha. I’m bout to hit the gym and I’ll message you later.”

The Fiance’s Ex Part 1 [cuckold]

The night was ending up just as any other night. I just got out of the shower and Allie was getting in. I was drying myself off in the bedroom when I noticed a facebook message notification went off on Allie’s phone. I saw that it was from a guy named Jessie. Curiously, I looked a little closer.

“Hey you” followed by a winky face.

I never looked through her phone, we had a very trusting relationship and I thought it was just some random dude trying to hit her up. I decided to look up this guy on my phone. I saw that they were mutual friends. I started going through his pictures, he was a clean-cut, tall, very fit kind of guy. He came across to me as a real douchey type.

My heart sunk a little when I saw old photos of him and my Allie. They were from seven years ago, way before me and Allie got together. I didn’t think much of it at that time. I figured it was just some old flame trying to talk to her. Allie was a very beautiful girl and would always get messages from random guys. She would always tell me about it and we’d laugh it off. I blew it off, laid down on the bed and turned on Netflix.

Dark Roast Part 3 [cuckold]

That morning started out just the same as any other day. I woke up early to get ready for work. I began brewing some coffee and Audrey awoke not too long after.

“Good morning babe.” She sleepily muttered while she kissed me on the cheek.

I always loved seeing her wear her black thigh high socks. She had on a small pair of pink shorts and a matching top. Both were very revealing and a great start to my Friday morning.

“Some of my girlfriends from college are getting together tonight, I thought it would be fun for us to go.” she said while pouring herself a cup.

“Of course babe, we’ll go after I get off work.” I replied, not knowing exactly what i was getting myself into that night. I finished my coffee and kissed her goodbye.

Audrey went back to our room to lay down. She texted her friend Katie confirming we’ll be there tonight.

“Can’t wait to see you! I’m sure Charles will be happy to see you too”
her friend replied with a winky face.

Dark Roast Part 2 [cheating]

Audrey was introduced to sex at a very young age. Her mother was a stripper and her father was big shot banker with a sex addiction. Sex was never shamed or looked down upon in her household, unlike many others. She never knew the difference between love and sex. She would often be left heartbroken from the boys that she would date. She was young, naive, simply a product of her environment.

Towards the last two years of high school she was able to keep a steady boyfriend, but that only lasted a few weeks into her first semester at college. Unfortunately her boyfriend Daniel would be going to the university on the other side of the state. They decided to try to make their long distance relationship work.

It was homecoming week, Audrey had just finished settling in her dorm. She had plans to meet up with her girlfriends to catch the big game that night. She quickly showered and put on her make up.

Dark Roast [cuckold]

It was the first of December, the sun breaking through the cracks in the shades. I gently layed up from the couch and adjusted my sight. I noticed our bedroom door was slightly opened and decided to take a peek. There they were. The love of my life, my dear sweet Audrey. She was cuddled up next to her good friend Charles. Their feet were entangled just barely showing from under the blanket. He was lying on his back with her head snuggled in his shoulder. Our eyes quickly met and he gave me a smug wink. I smiled and turned away, making my way to the bathroom. After my morning piss I threw on my jacket and stepped out on the balcony. I lit up a drag to get back into my euphoric state of normality. I hear them wake up and say goodmorning to each other. I only knew what was going to happen next.
I finished up my smoke, went inside and started up the coffee machine. The moans were dimmed from the grinding of the beans. I went a little closer to the door.
“Oh Charles”
I heard. The moans getting more heavy with each long stroke. I knew it was only a matter of moments until she got her euphoric start of the morning. I grabbed three cups from out of the cupboard as the machine was settling down. I poured my cup and sat at the kitchen table. A few minutes later they came out of the room. Audrey went straight to the bathroom, while Charles joined me in the kitchen.