Anonymous fun in Cloud City [FMM]

This happened this past summer, at Burning Man. For those who don't know, Burning Man is a week-long art and music festival in the middle of the Nevada desert, which attracts all sorts of people, young and old. A bit about me – I am a mid-twenties bisexual male, six feet tall with dark hair, dark tan complexion and brown eyes.

On the second to last day of the festival, I decided to walk around (naked, of course – it's hot in the desert) to find somewhere new to take a nap. There were many such public napping tents, one of which was called Cloud City – it was full of pillows and couches and cushions for people to lounge on, under a tent, letting them get out of the sun for a while and relax. I found a great futon mattress that was barely dusty at all (dust gets EVERYWHERE in the desert) and fell asleep quickly, being very hungover from the previous night's rave. There wasn't anyone else near me in the huge tent, since it was midday and most people were probably still sleeping in their own tents.