Breakup with gf leads to wild Russian connection [MF]

Around 12 or so years back, my gf and I broke up (completely my fault) and my life went back to being the boring routine it was back then. I was doing self studying for my certification and there was an online forum where I used to frequently go chat (purely educational till a certain point). It was more of a chat forum for students and teachers or others to help each other out for specific subjects.

One day, I was logged onto a forum where an admin was trying to explain a concept to a student. I basically just explained the whole concept a bit better and the student finally understood it. The admin DM’d me thanking for jumping in. We got to talking a bit and turned out that she was from Russia. It was my first time chatting with someone not from my country so it was exciting lol.

We used to chat almost on a daily basis since that day, shared music and movie tastes and what not, literally almost everything. This was all during audio calls over skype so I only had her skype picture to gauge what she looked like.

[MF] Sneaking into Pakistani girlfriend’s home

Hey everyone. first time ever of writing a story here. I might post others if y’all like this one.

So this story dates back to 2009 when I was visiting my girlfriend’s (at the time) town. It was December and the nights were cold as fuck.

My girl’s house was a two storey place but her parents’ room was literally adjacent to her room.

She asked me to come over at 3 am. I was sort of scared of being found at her home (we live in Pakistan) and being shamed for the rest of my life or something lol. But my little brain overtook my bigger one and I thought fuck it, you only live once.

So, the virgin, horny 19 year old me takes the car out at 3AM, balls freezing, hands shaking because of fear and anxiety. I parked my car at a small distance from her house and texted her to unlock the main gate.

Once she confirms its unlocked, I turn my ninja mode on, silently open the door, close it behind me, and I tip-toe safely into her room.