Breaking up with Lucy [MF]

When I was 24 I started dating this girl Lucy who was a fuckin knockout. Tall, slender, incredible red-brown hair and the cutest lightly freckled face. I absolutely loved fucking her, she was super high energy and fun in bed and loved to fuck pretty much everywhere.

We’d been dating for a month or so when she mentioned some guy named Jess who she knew from the town she grew up in was visiting. She was going to go have drinks with him and some other people on Saturday night and we made loose plans to meet up after. She would text me and then come over to my place to spend the night. I didn’t have anything else to do that night so I just bummed around my shitty apartment and watched some porn and thought about fucking Lucy.

Around 11:30 I hadn’t heard from her so I texted. No response, but didn’t think anything of it. An hour later I tried again, just checking to see if you still wanna come by, no big deal. That kind of thing. Again no response. It was around then that I started to freak out a bit. I realized I had no idea who this Jess guy was, I never even asked if they used to date or anything. Most likely she was just out with a group of old friends getting drunk and would check her phone eventually. But my mind was going to some bad places.

Weird shit can happen when you spend an afternoon with your ex [MF]

It had been three years since I’d seen Jenna. I was 27 and had moved to another city. Now I was back, just for a few days, and a mutual friend had facebooked me and convinced me to join her them an afternoon drink. I got to the bar a little early and I realized I was nervous, though of course there was no reason to be. It’s just a weird thing, seeing your ex again, under any circumstances. I’d heard she was dating some new guy, an older black dude with a ton of money who flew her all over the place. But so what? There was nothing to be jealous of. I had moved on, too – single at the moment, but it had been a good three years of dates, flings, and even a couple semi-serious relationships.

So I took a drink and relaxed. It was just going to be an innocent afternoon, old friends catching up, a few laughs about the good old days. Then Jenna walked in the door. My gut sank, my nuts tightened, my whole groin started tingling. Maybe I was over her intellectually, but the sight of her had my body going crazy.