Another PM to Stacey…

Hi again gonewildstories people! :)

So…I'm posting this actually hoping it will sort of go under the radar. It's (I don't think) a typical story that you guys share here, and it's actually fairly embarrassing as I come off as a bit of a retard. But, it continues from the first story I shared with you all, and I'll be adding my final synopsis of my summer 'bucket list' progress to the weekly post on r/sex next sunday…so I wanted to post this here to be able to link to.
Anyway, for better or worse…here it is! (As the previous post I did here, it was written initially without the intention to share it…so please read it as the PM to my friend that it was intended to be).

Alright. So. Again. I thought I was about to be murdered. I truly 100% did, with every cell in my body. I promise you, as hysterically funny as it is now…at the time it was fucking horrifying!

Backing up…

My ‘bucket list’ weekend.

Hi. It was suggested that you folks here might enjoy this…so here is the synopsis of my weekend!

It was all actually first written as a PM to a female friend, so it has many little aside comments that might detract from the story…but, anyway, I left them in, so here it is!

Okay. So. In short a bit of backstory because I think it's the sort of extra detail you might want to know. I met Jeff and Matt at my gym. There is a regular crowd at certain times of the day/week and you get to know the usual ones. About maybe four months ago I was using some of the equipment in the weight room and they came in and one of them made a friendly comment to let me know my thong had ridden up and was showing 'whale tail'. Not a big deal but it happened to be a shocking pink colour and was hard to miss. It was a bit risky for him to say anything at all as the gym has a super strick policy of any sort of harassment, but I took it as the helpful comment it was intended to be and as both guys were super fit and quite studly I joked back that maybe next time I wouldn't wear any at all to avoid that problem.