[MF] Turning Up The Heat With My Redheaded Neighbor

[Part 1 For those who missed it]([https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aeerpb/mf_i_fucked_my_next_door_redheaded_neighbor_while/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aeerpb/mf_i_fucked_my_next_door_redheaded_neighbor_while/))

[Part 2]([https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ai6klg/mf_the_plot_thickens_with_my_redheaded/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ai6klg/mf_the_plot_thickens_with_my_redheaded/))

[Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/bs7b1z/mf_things_take_a_turn_with_my_redheaded_neighbor/)

It’s been a little over one year since I shared an update with everyone in this community. Since then, a whole lot has transpired, and I’ve received somewhat regular inquiries wondering just when Part 4 might arrive.

I’ll admit that writing has fallen off my plate in that time. It’s been difficult to balance school, life, and of course, Claire. While it is impossible for me to summarize all that has come to pass, I’ll do my best to get you up to speed before diving into the precursor to what has easily been the greatest sexual encounter in my young life thus far.

First and Foremost, Scott and Claire are getting a divource. It has been coming for some time, but I had no idea just how difficult things would become before Claire’s patience ran out. The last straw came just a few months after Part 3 was written:

[MF] …..My ‘second’ time in college

[PART 1]([https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/btp6tt/mf_my_first_time_in_college/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/btp6tt/mf_my_first_time_in_college/))

After exchanging a few more texts that evening, Jenn and I decided to meet in my dorm the next day during a mutual free period. I’ll be honest inasmuch that I didn’t sleep much more than a wink or two that night. I was lost in a circle of anxiety revolving around all of the possible negative outcomes that could or would happen since I slept with Jenn.

*Was her fiance going to kill me?* It was certainly possible. *Was she pregnant?* Of course, she wouldn’t know so fast, but I wasn’t thinking clearly. *Did she have some sort of awful disease?* I was a pre-med student at the time, so that one really ef’d with my brain. Suffice it to say that it never dawned on me, that just maybe nothing was actually wrong, maybe Jenn just wanted to talk.

Either way, my anxiety/stress level in the period before meeting Jenn was as close to 10/10 as I had experienced in my life up to that point. I got back to my room swiftly and tidied up as best I could. Just a few minutes later there came a gentle knock on my door. Jenn had let herself into the pod. I sat down at my desk.

[MF] My ‘first’ time in college….

I did not, by any means, have the most exciting time in college. In particular, my freshman, junior, and senior years were characterized much more by studying and school anxiety than they were with parties, belligerence, and especially encounters with the female gender. Freshman year I lived in a ‘pod’ with three other guys, two of whom would go on to become some of my best friends. By the time we all left to go home for that first christmas break we had cemented ourselves as a social group that would persist (plus or minus a few people over time) through graduation.

None of us were especially ‘cool’ by popular standards. We enjoyed video games (FIFA), playing music together, and occasionally sneaking Jack Daniel into the dorms to spice up our Friday nights. By the end of freshman year we were finally beginning to break into the off-campus party scene. I don’t think we really fit in with many of the others at these parties, but as a group we enjoyed playing (and often winning) at the beer pong table and then venturing off into the forest behind campus for drunken adventures. That was just what we did and we were happy with it.

[MF] Things take a turn with my red-headed neighbor……. [Part 3]

[Part 1 For those who missed it](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aeerpb/mf_i_fucked_my_next_door_redheaded_neighbor_while/)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ai6klg/mf_the_plot_thickens_with_my_redheaded/)

No, Scott has not killed me. Yes, a lot has happened since I left off.

Sorry for the long time between updates. My master’s program has really increased in workload over the Spring semester, and it’s been hard to do much of anything besides school. Suppose I’m channeling my inner George R.R. Martin by making you all wait so long. Thank you for all the encouragement and positivity regarding parts 1 & 2. I hope to write more often over the summer and share some of my earlier experiences from college.

Either way, here is part three. I’m going to pick-up right where I left off, even though far more has transpired since then. Might be worth noting that this one takes a bit of an ‘unexpected’ turn, but I think you will still enjoy it. But first, a little update before resuming the story…

[MF] The Plot Thickens with my Red-headed neighbor…[Part 2]

[Part 1 For those who missed it](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/aeerpb/mf_i_fucked_my_next_door_redheaded_neighbor_while/)

First of all…Wow, I was shocked to see how many people enjoyed reading about my encounter with Claire. Thank you for all of the compliments. You certainly encouraged me to…shall we say pursue the matter a bit further.

For all who asked… no, I do not have a picture of Claire (for obvious reasons), but I tried to find a close fit from r/redheads. So Here you go. Now just adjust with a few more curves and some freckles, and that’s pretty close. [Claire](https://i.imgur.com/juhmRgw.jpg)

Lastly, for those of you who were wondering what I look like, I’ll do my best to describe. I’m moderately tall (6’2’’) with a thin but athletic build. I have medium length blonde hair, and I usually keep some degree of a beard on my face. Hopefully that is enough to fuel your imaginations.

I’ll pick up right where I left off in order to answer some questions, and then I’ll fast forward to this past week.

[MF] I Fucked my next door, red-headed neighbor while her husband was away.

I’m 28 years old and lucky enough to live alone in a relatively small, two bedroom home in a quiet little neighborhood. My parents actually own the house, I’m paying them rent to live there as I work on my master’s degree. For the most part, my life is very simple: I go to school, spend a lot of time studying, go to the climbing gym when I have time, and occasionally grab a beer or two with my classmates. I’ve been in this house for just over a year and a half, and like I said, the neighborhood is very quiet. Nicer houses, retired people, perfect for someone trying to focus on school work with minimal distraction.

Then few months ago, one of houses next door went up for sale and sold pretty quickly. A young couple around to my age with their two or three year old son moved in. We exchanged hellos as they unloaded the U-Haul, but otherwise had very little in the way of interaction. They seemed nice enough, kind of quiet, but friendly and polite. Scott and Claire are their names. I slowly got to know them over the course of a few neighborly exchanges. Turns out they moved from the other side of the country for Scott’s job, he’s a newly minted lawyer. Claire stays home with their son, but eventually wants to finish a teaching degree. On the surface, an exceedingly normal family.