Childhood friend [F] became [M]y BDSM submissive after years of not seeing each other. Hotel fun ensued.

Created the account for the December monthly contest. May keep it for other posts as desired.

Setup: Parents/my family had been family friends with father’s co-worker’s family before I was born. Families hung out together, drank, barbecued, played cards, etc. I was named after dad’s co-worker (subject’s father). At 5 years old, I remember them having a red-haired baby girl with deep eyes. Eventually the plant the dads worked at closed, our families went different directions, and my parents moved away for another job, though I stayed in town. The families no longer spoke or hung out.

Fast forward another bunch of years. I’d married and divorced, and was perusing the local online dating sites when I came across a familiar name. It was unique enough that I had a suspicion it was the red-haired girl from our pasts, but that her child was named after a sibling made it clear that it was most definitely the girl I’d known since she was born. The eyes were still deep, she’d become a successful director in her company, and it seems was single. I messaged her about the little red-haired girl, and commented that I knew her child had the same name as her sibling, and that I was named after her dad, which she knew. Instant re-connection. Thought I’d just have a friend to have drinks with. Little did I (or she) know.