All She Wanted [MF]

It was my last year of college. I had come into my own, was confident with women, and knew I always I had some sort of shot with some girl at any party I was at. I had figured out how charm worked and could be funny with any girl that would listen to me. It sounds cocky but it was more of a confident mind set, plus the whole “it’s the last year of college, lets do this” thing made not giving a fuck pretty easy.

I stand just shy of 6’2, dark hair and eyes, wide shoulders, at the time I was working out and it showed but I was more bulky then ripped.

It was a Wednesday, the night before I had gone to a pretty standard party. It was a good time & I was feeling the effects all day long. It was also cold as fuck outside. Safe to say I didn’t do much all day. Sometime after I ate dinner, I got an IM (who remembers AIM?) from this girl I had met at the party, Linda.