The Child Slavegirl

Naomi’s Stats

Age: 13
Skin Color: Mostly Tanned
Gender: Female
Breast Size: Small
Vagina Size: Medium w/ no hair.

Naomi was walking down the street back to her home at late midnight, she noticed people walking around the alleys, but she felt safe and homely. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a woman grabbed her and pulled her into a house. There she saw other women, who began stripping her, down to her short-sleeved shirt and underwear. They tied her to a couch and began cutting away at her underwear. Her shirt was ripped off to reveal her small breasts, her underwear came off to reveal her vagina, which held a high price. The women began restraining Naomi’s legs to a spreader bar, which held her legs apart. They pulled out a catheter designed to restrict Naomi from urinating. She felt the tip of the catheter force it’s way up her urinary tract, and enter her full bladder, the balloon was inflated at the end to keep the plug inside her bladder. They placed back on Naomi’s underwear and a pair of bras for her breasts. The next day, they left for a secret location, while Naomi was tied up inside the SUV. Naomi was handcuffed, and her legs were strapped to a spreader bar. When they arrived, Naomi was led to her new mistress.

Saria, The Alien’s Incubator (Part 1)

Saria’s Age: 13 (NOT a mistake)

Saria’s Gender: Female

Saria’s Skin Color: White with somewhat Asian tan.

Saria’s Vagina: Only recognizable by a small line. However her womb and bladder size is big.

Saria’s Breasts: Early puberty before capture led her to lactate a bit.

Saria woke up inside a caccoon, she saw the caccoon open once she was awake. Saria looked down at herself, she saw her small breasts, a full bladder, and her small vagina. Two aliens came up, and began to restrain her, she was tied to a soft bedding made of Alien Worm Silk. They first examined her breasts, a small examination alien attached to one of her nipples, the skin of the creature suddenly turned white from her milk being sucked out. The aliens began speaking to her.

Alien 1: Your… milking orifices… shall please… our queeen……

Alien 2: Examine… her…… reproductive system…. and…. her… bladder….

A small creature flew into the room, it seemed like a manta ray, except it flew, and was very fast. It zapped to her vagina area, and began forcing inside small tentacles, she felt another tentacle enter her urethra, and sucked out her urine.

Exotic Katie (Part 2) (Urine and Milking)


Katie’s Stats:

Age: 13 (NOT a mistake)

Urine Selling Price (Per Ounce): $1362.38

Bladder Size: Small

Breast Size: Small (was flat-chest from part 1)


Katie felt the vibrator on her vagina causing her to release a milky substance from her vagina. Her breasts were being milked, she saw the portable milking machine next to her, delivering her milk into water bottles. Her pussy juices were collected in the bowl.

Katie: Mmmmm…. Ahhh… AHHHH!!!

Katie felt her vagina produce a massive amount of cum, before unleashing it inside the bowl. Her mistress had returned to check on her progress.

Mistress Lily: My, my, looks like someone’s pussy is overloading.

Katie: Please! I don’t want to be milked like this! I need something to cover my privates!

Mistress Lily: Well too bad, milking you require be to touch you.

Katie felt her mistress lowering the power of the vibrator.

Mistress Lily: I’m going to train you to control your orgasms and cumming. First off, we’ll have you practice in trying not to cum all over the place, you can still orgasm, but you won’t cum unless you have permission to.

Exotic Katie (Part 1)

Katie’s Stats
Age: 13 (NOT a mistake)

Urine Selling Price (Per Ounce): $1362.38

Bladder Size: Small

Breast Size: Mostly Flat-chest.


Katie was sold as a slavegirl by her adoptive parents, because their money had become too little to sustain Katie’s needs and education. Her kidnap was planned and she was in the hands of a mistress. Katie woke up inside a truck, and she watched as a woman took off her underwear and shirt. Katie watched as the woman felt her breasts beneath her bra.

Woman 1#: Oh I won’t take that off, we just need you to hold your piss in for a second.

Capture and Training Facility (Part 3)

Part 2: (leads to part 1)

Sarah’s Stats:

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Bladder Size: Still Small


Note: She isn’t a dickgirl or a futanari, she is a girl with a normal urethra and vagina.

Sarah: Ahhh…. Please let me pee mistress, it’s been 2 days already.

Mistress Ada: Oh I know honey, but can you piss something denser than urine, perhaps your own thick juices?

Sarah had nearly forgotten how her mistress pumped her own cum into her bladder. Sarah felt her mistress releasing her bladder plug, she felt she could release the contents of her bladder the mistress forced in. She couldn’t urinate, that was the problem, the cum was too thick inside her bladder to come out. Her mistress, ignoring her struggle, took out a bottle. She felt her spreader bar being taken off, and her hands untied.

Mistress Ada: Come over and aim your little urethra in this bottle.

Sarah: Aww…

Sarah came over, and mistress Ada made her kneel on the bed with her legs spread. Ada placed the bottle neck to her urethra.

Mistress Ada: I see someone’s having trouble. (chuckles)

Capture and Training Facility Part 2 (Female Cum) (Bladder Torture) (Milking)

Part 1:

Sarah’s Stats:

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Bladder Size: Small


Sarah: Ahhhh! Please mistress, it’s too much!

Sarah was shooting out shots of cum into her bowl, the tube with hundreds of holes lodged in her pussy was preventing her from calming her orgasms. Her mistress watched as she watched Sarah struggle. Sarah was tied and forced to cum and have her breasts milked. It was all too much, she couldn’t handle the pressure in her bladder, as her orgasms were making her produce urine. Her mistress applied a bladder plug to prevent the urine from mixing with her ejaculate. Sarah felt her pussy overloading and shooting out one last cum that fell into the bowl. Her mistress had turned off her vibrator. The tube with hundreds of holes inside was removed, but her pussy was covered in a milky and white substance that smelled odd. The suctions on her breasts were removed, and she was allowed a small shirt, but her mistress instructed that her vagina was to remain nude. Sarah felt her mistress wiping her pussy and draining the cum into the bowl. Sarah watched carefully as Mistress Ada poured her cum into a large canister. Sarah was then given some rest.

Capture and Training Facility (Female) (Bladder Torture) (Catheters)

Sarah’s Stats:

Age: 13

Bladder Size: Small


She was walking home from a long day at school, her grades were unlike the others, Cs, Ds, and Fs littered the recycle bin, her parents lectured her SO many times NOT to get horrible sh*t. Today, she had a project due, but she didn’t do it for the whole month, that’s when her parents somehow gave up on her. Her parents had secretly been willing to sell her to a facility that was supposedly meant to test female bladders and lubrication, as well as breast milk. The facility was shutdown long ago, but secretly reopened under illegal factors. The moment she walked out into the door, she was grabbed by two women, who subdued her and stripped her. The women cut off her underwear and moved her into the flooring of the van parked in the garage. They kept her shirt on for the while, because they were focused on her vagina. The floor of the van was a nice bedding area with restraints meant for her. Both of her hands were tied together to the top of the bed. Her legs weren’t tied, though. Her legs were finally fitted to a spreader bar. One of the women held a syringe, which was connected to a female catheter. The syringe held blue liquid, called “special bladder hormones”. The woman holding her catheter and syringe, began inserting the catheter. The catheter went up her urethra, until she felt it touch her sphincter. Sarah muffled in her gag as the catheter forced itself into her bladder. The woman took a large bottle of lemonade, and replaced the blue syringe with an even larger syringe of lemonade.

Keisha Needs to Pee (Bladder Torture/Milking), (Female)

Age: 13
Gender: Female
Bladder Size: Small
Breast Size: Small



27 Hours Earlier…..

Keisha was coming home from school, with a full bladder she forgot to empty all the way from the morning. She was walking home at 6:33 PM, the Alleyway shortcut she took was mostly safe, or she thought. When she went into the bathroom, two women came out and subdued her. They began stripping her, her unfortunate pants and underwear were the first to go. Then, they took off her jacket.

Woman 1#: Keep her shirt, it’s her pussy we’re focused on.

Keisha looked up, and one of the women had a special chastity underwear. It had a comfortable padding, a bladder capacity reader, and the most horrid of all, a metal rod that inserted in her urethra and held in her urine. Every 24 hours, the underwear would allow her to release about 5% of her bladder contents. Keisha was held down as the women strapped in her underwear. First the women shoved the rod painfully up her urethra.