[M]20 and [F]20 trying to broaden our sexual experiences

M20. Me and my GF are happy in our relationship for 5 years. Over this period of time, we had a rather slow, but steady, evolution regarding our sexual life. We managed to lift our barriers towards one another, we were able to understand what we want and what we like. It was a long journey, having to get rid of our feelings of guilt at first, being raised in a rather strict environment, where sexual stuff was taboo and anyone who openly confessed about doing it and liking it was seen as a lower person.

I had the luck to have open minded parents and of eventually being able to live in another bigger city, with more open minded people that were not complete backstabbers, therefore being able to form actual bonds in time, so this part was hard especially for her, who didn’t change the scenery, choosing to stay in our home town to finish high school. We both live now in a much bigger city, so it’s only better at the moment.

Our sexual experiences are mostly vanilla, with certain exceptions, like some cases of public masturbation, making sure no one notices us. Everything is great, we both enjoy it and managed to get really comfortable and teach one another what we like.

I [M]20 am a Peeping Tom

There is nothing too special about this, can’t even consider it a proper story, but I just wanted to fully confess it somewhere.

Ever since I started puberty I took great pleasure in seeing small naught things, like an underskirt when a girl wasn’t really paying attention to the way she was sitting, breasts being a little too visible in a low-cut neck, nipples that can be seen thorough shirts and other many examples. This also applied to sounds, not just seeing things. Hearing the bed above me squeak, a moan or even masturbation noises ( From women ).

Depending on the level of the situation, it affects me, but not everything necessarily makes me horny to the point where I have to do something about it, many times it’s just a nice feeling while attending to said situation.

And I kinda feel bad for it. I know things can happen, I never make any remarks or comments about that, nor do I try to be flirty or anything of the sort, but I still feel bad for liking it. Sometimes I think that I should warn a person in this situation, but I am scared that they will consider me a pervert for seeing such a thing.

We [MF20] want to confess to our [F]riend

As described in my previous posts, me and my gf happened to hear a good friend (girl) of ours masturbate at night.

My gf actually heard her multiple times.

And we enjoyed it.

There are more details in the previous posts.

Time passed by, we (me and my gf) talked about it, I came up with the idea that we should tell her everything, my gf agreed, but we never found a good time to do so.

I did not insist any further, because I did not want to seem obsessed about it, but recently we discussed about sex and other sexual activities on our way back to the collage, by train.

in that moment, my gf wanted to start telling her, but hesitated, saying afterwards that it was not the right place to tell her that and I agree with her.

Any advice regarding the situation at hand? I am open for both comments and PMs, if you feel like talking about it.

[M]e and my G[F] have a kink for a [F]riend

First of all, in order to understand completely the situation that I am going to present, I suggest reading my first two confessions.

Me and my GF had a talk about the situation at hand, in which I told her what I felt and what I am currently feeling in regards to what happened, to those memories and to the way in which she describes some things to me. She understood everything and saw them as normal reactions, so we just had a chat in which we somehow rewound everything. She tried to use it to get me in the mood at first, which worked, but, as she talked, she started to get more and more into detail in regards to that girl and she started to breath harder, so I figured out that she got way hornier, for it was something new to her. And she, indeed, was.
After both of us released all of that pressure, we came to the conclusion that both of us are driven by this type of “fuel” and this girl is, in a way, our new kink.
Our next step would be finding a way to tell her the situation, face to face, or maybe repeating the situation from my first confession. Even if we don’t think of creating a 3-way relationship, we fantasize about creating a relationship in which all of us is free to do as they please in front of the others. The situation is finally cleared and we have a clear goal.

[M] y girlfriend’s [F] riend started masturbating in the hotel room

I want to start this post by mentioning that all of us are first year students at the University, all three of us on separate subjects, but my gf and the girl happened to share a dorm for a while.Not long ago, about 2 moths from now, I visited another city with my girlfriend and a good friend of hers, with whom I started to get along as well. All three of us slept in the same room with 2 beds, one for me and my gf, one for the other girl. We spent a nice day together, seen the city and all the usual stuff, nothing special.During the night, my gf fell asleep really fast, because she was tired after the whole trip, however I couldn’t fall asleep right away, so I just stood still, doing nothing.After about half an hour, I started to hear some movement. And, after an additional 1 or 2 minutes, I could hear very clearly how, from the other bed, the other girl began to masturbate. I could hear it crystal clear, but I will not go into details on this matter.The idea is that I was affected, but not in the sense that I would have gone to bed with her to have sex, but I rather felt like I wanted to do something with my girlfriend at the same time as the other girl was pleasuring herself. But she was already asleep, so I couldn’t help it and just stood still. I enjoyed hearing it, yes, I believe it is normal to do so, and it got stuck in my mind for some days. Then I just try to get over it.The problem is that, occasionally, a similar feeling reappears when we see each other.Not every time, but sometimes. It does not affect the normal relationship between the three of us, because it is a really dim feeling. I can’t say that it is as intense as it was then, far from it, I can’t even call it “turn on”, but it’s like a little spark that buggers me.