Changing a girl [MF]

So this is going to be quite a long story because it goes a long way back. So Jesse (not her real name) was a 5′ 3″ slim brunette and we were about 18 years old when this all happened. We’d been friends for quite a while before we decided to take things further. Jess had quite strict Christian parents and was quite shy in general. Always wore long sleeves, always wore long pants and never swore.

One day we were talking when I asked the question “So when do you wanna have sex?”.

“Oh I think we should wait till after marriage” she said.

“Wait you’ve never had sex?”

“No” she blushed as a smile crossed her face.

“But what do you do when you’re horny?” I asked

“I do nothing, I guess”

“Wait you don’t masturbate?”

“What’s that?” she asked.

“Do you rub ur vagina for pleasure?”

“Oh isn’t that a sin or something?” she questioned.

“No most girls ur age have done it by now”


“Yes how come you never got curious and tried it?”