[NSFW] A Journey Into The Beast Wilds. (Male/Female) Fantasy/Monster girl

A Journey Into The Beast Wilds

Part 1

The Beast Wilds are the forests that surround the camp where I live. It’s essentially a death sentence, and that’s why I’m being banished. All crime is taken seriously, even the minor ones. It just so happens that theft is considered a capital offense, and so my fate is to be eaten alive by beasts. 

“John Caimy! You are hereby banished into the Wilds for your crimes.” I sighed in slight relief as my hands were unbound, but a line of people pointed pikes at me. And the gates creaked open. I turned, and left without a fight. 

After a couple of hours of walking I had come upon a giant red wood tree. It marked the entrance to the Wilds. I took a deep breath, and stepped past the threshold.  

“Hm, that wasn’t so ba-ahhhh!” I jumped out of my own skin as soon as I saw a school bus sized centipede crawling on the back of the red wood. I sprinted out of there as fast as I could. I couldn’t go back home so I just went deeper into the forest. I looked ahead to see a giant Venus flytrap, and so I turned, but there was a huge gully. I managed to turn the other way and make a clear escape to the other side of some bushes.