[MF] A dream come true? (3)

So, things have gotten as hit as they could, considering our circumstances. Snap has been our best friend. We’re constantly talking on it while at work, getting a bit personal at home. Yesterday morning, she showed me EVERYTHING. She was very frisky. Completely naked and getting off for daddy. I loved the way her cum was flying as she vigorously rubbing her pussy.

All day at work we talked about everything we wanted to do to each other. The biggest thing was not about fucking, but our first kiss. Too many cameras around and too many nosy people. It didn’t happen. But today was a different day. She suggested that she would come in early and hoping I wasn’t too busy to come out. It worked, I went out, walked between our cars gave a little knock on her door. She turned, smiled and opened her door. We both said “hi” and I immediately leaned in. Magic, fireworks, anything you can think of. It was amazing for the 3-5 seconds that it was. I may have even whimpered. The rest of the day we were on cloud 9.

[MF] A dream come true? (2)

So, things have been progressing quickly. Because I wanted to chat more, she suggested snap. So you know where that went. Things got dirty, quickly. After pretty much seeing most of her over the last couple of days, I may not be able to wait to be transferred.

The older man thing has been a fantasy of hers(lucky me). The word “daddy” came up, of course. I guess I’m more charming than I thought(she thinks I’m very charming). As for what she looks like, long brown hair with blonde highlights, short around 5′, very large breasts(bigger than I thought, she hid them well) with beautiful brown nipples, very nice thick ass which looks better without pants.

I’m in complete lust. Will update more when things progress.

[MF] A dream come true?

I am almost 50 years old, average looking. She just turned 23 and is short, slightly thick, and gorgeous. We work together, but the problem is, I’m one of her bosses, which is a big no-no and are both with someone else. I have decided to be smart and not let anything happen until we no longer work together.

There appears to have been more sexual tension between us than I could have thought possible. While having lunch together (not an uncommon thing and we usually don’t talk much when we do), there was minor, unnoticeable flirting. Next thing I know, I’m looking right into her beautiful eyes and say, “This is going to get me in trouble.” This is the first time either of us has said anything concerning a relationship. After going back and forth on the possibility, she says in a very girlish tone, “I won’t tell anyone.” I’ve never been so in lust. As much as I want her, I know I have to wait. I’m not willing to lose my job… yet. One of us may be transferred soon, I hope. At that point, if she’s still willing, we can get together.