I had the courage to ask a stranger to fuck me [FM]

I had no intentions yesterday to get fucked I was going shopping with my sister so here I am looking ROUGH I have my hair in a bun, some leggings on, a big sweater and some air forces. I am at a furniture store looking for stuff for my sisters new house, just a huge store has about 3 floors.. anyways

I am off looking around and so is my sister, there’s maybe 5 people max in there. I am looking around, and see this male around maybe 45, very tall, long hair, glasses and a nice clean outfit on, he caught my eye of course 🥺 Like I said I’m shy, so I’m just an awkward ass bitch sometimes, I have a VERY quiet voice, big ol eyes and I joke a lot lol So dumb me, I am awkwardly going down every aisle this guy is going to, walking slow smiling. HE LOOKED AT ME AND SAID “ hey sweetie can I help you with something” I am SO EMBARRASSED, hahaha my face is RED.. I can tell.. eyes wide ass hell lol Just following him around he probably thinks I have some issues So me over here with my face beat fucking red my quiet ass voice says “ well I just need some help grabbing some pillows off this rack over here” I really REALLY thought I blew it, I’m yelling at myself in my head for not just asking him right then and there but I calm down, relax take a breath and start a casual conversation ( meanwhile my sister is still looking around the store somewhere)