Story: Her Magic Rings (Part 1) [mc] [hypnosis]

Hi all,

I’ve tried posting the story to the sub as-is but it’s been blocked several times by the bots for reasons I don’t understand SO

Alicia recalls an encounter she had last night with a strange girl in her dorm room.


If you like mind control and hypnosis themes – and you are looking for something that is semi-softcore and starts slow (I know how much warmup time I need xD) then hopefully you’ll enjoy seeing Alicia’s slow descent as she gently falls under a hypnotic spell.

Part 2 is already written – and will be on the above link soon! The webmaster likes to post new entries on a Saturday :D

Ciao xx

Her Magic Rings (pt 1 & 2) [mc] [hypnosis] [softcore] [gentle] [ff]

AN: This work is very softcore. I plan to take it further in later parts. For now, enjoy the beginnings of a story about mind control and intrigue, as Alicia is pulled deep underwater by a bewitching encounter at her local bar.

————- Part 1 ————-

Alicia’s eyes slowly fluttered open; they felt exceedingly heavy. Scrunching her eyes together a few times and attempting to stretch, she sat up in her bed. Everything felt stiff – was she hung over? She had definitely had a couple the night before but nothing to suggest the effects she was most certainly experiencing. Rolling onto the floor of her dorm room, she scuttled to her dressing table to look into the mirror. Everything seemed alright; her eyes were a little bloodshot perhaps, and the dimly navy bags under her eyes may have been a little deeper than usual – but nothing out of the ordinary, she thought.

Glancing at the clock, she noted she must’ve skipped her alarm and cursed under her breath. It wasn’t the afternoon.. not just yet anyway.