[MF] married couple exploring our sexuality with fun and shower facials

So a bit of backstory.

My wife and I have always had a good sex drive. It’s always been fun, like vanilla with caramel streaks. we have great sex but aren’t into bondage, anal, etc.

In the last year or so, we’ve both started opening up more about what gets us going. For me, that included sharing my life of porn, girls kissing, and knowing someone else thought she was hot to validate my love for her.

For her, that meant telling me that she wanted me to go down on her more, absolutely loves shower sex, and how she was nervous about showing off her body in public bc she felt self conscious.

So over that year, we’ve worked on stuff together. We started watching porn together, I went down on her more (in the shower!), and we both started exploring what it meant to be desired by someone else. Like acknowledging when you saw someone checking her out, or when she’s out with friends flirting with her eyes some more. It’s resulted in some GREAT improvements so our sex drive, like last night having shower sex and me giving her her first facial ever to which she said “I tried spitting it out some because I thought it would be hot”.