Watched girlfriend lose virginity [MMF]

I have a beautiful girlfriend. We used to be classmates and got together a few months ago, and our relationship is fantastic in every way. She is smart, witty, kind and loving. I have everything a guy could ask for, but still her past is very hard to get over.

A few years ago we were friends, and I brough her over to the house of my family one evening. As we sat in the sofa in the living room, she had a very personal conversation with my mother and father. About her hopes and dreams, and her wanting to go to medical school, something she now is well on her way of doing now. It got out that she’d never had sex before, and that she wanted to do it just to get it over with. My parents told us they had an open relationship, and offered her that my father could simply help her with the ordeal. I didn’t even know my parents had such an arrangement, but she accepted, and after that it was just a matter of negotiating the details. She hadn’t prepared in any way, but wanted to go through with it. My father told her she didn’t have to worry about STDs this way, and she just needed to get the pill after. So yeah, they were going to have sex.

Dinner with couple ended with sex

My girlfriend and I had something quite lewd happen to us. She lives in an island community, and we've been together for three months. Up until recently she was a virgin, while I've had sex before.

When visiting her home, we were invited by a couple in their 40's for dinner. Since it was some distance to their house, we were offered to sleep over. They proved to be a hippie like couple, living in a big house with a garden. The dinner was pleasant enough, we were wined and dined, while they were asking us a lot of questions about our background and future plans.

We were given a tour around their property, and the evening we sat in their couch and got drinks. At this point, we'd both gotten quite drunk, but not wasted. Then they started asking sexual questions, and soon found out that my gf was a virgin, and that she'd just started on the pill in preparation to have sex. They started talking about how the first time can be painful for the girl, and the wife suggested that her husband have sex with my girlfriend to make our first time easier.