Busting out of the friend zone [m/f]

Let me start this off with a description of myself, I am of Chinese decent but don’t have your typical Chinese look (i.e. small squinty eyes). I am about 5’11, short black hair, fairly large black eyes (for an Asian anyway), fairly toned but not muscular and am usually rated at maybe a 7 to a 7.5 on the attractiveness scale. Now, I am not gonna lie and tell you guys I have a massive dong, I don’t, its average (been told its pretty thick thought) But hey…. its not the size of the bat but how you swing it.

A little back story before I start, I have known Ella for about 6 years and have been dating her for about 2 of those years. I first met Ella when my family and I moved to another country as my father had started a new job. At first I was the quiet and slightly awkward new boy in school, but after a month it was like I had been there my whole life. I only really started talking to Ella a year after I joined, we said hello to each other when passing in hallways and stuff like that but we never really hung out together. Now, before I go any further let me describe Ella. Ella is probably the prettiest and cutest little thing I have laid eyes upon, she is half Thai and English, stands at about 5’10, silky smooth shoulder length brown hair, toned body (she runs, plays football and volleyball), slightly smaller B cup breast and about the roundest, firmest, softest and most luscious ass a man can dream of, it is the stuff of dreams and legends.