One of the best i can offer [Cuckold]

Mine is kind of fresh its funny now that i think about it cause i didn’t really want it to ever happen to me. I guess i learned something about me.

The relationship with my ex girlfriend started off very turbulent. She was going out with a guy before we met and i kinda took her from him. I was drinking with her one night and i went for the kiss and she kissed me back. She cheated and told me not to tell anyone ever. Oops. Long story short i feel she is the type that will do shit with other people before even ending her relationship that she doesnt feel comfortable with anymore. Our relationship ended suddenly.

We got in a serious fight over a weekend and we did not speak for 3 days. On that third day i actually gave in to the urge and wound up texting her. We were arguing back and forth about me apologizing about the incident even thought she was the guilty one. (She always managed to turn thing against me.) During these three days she would post things on socials indirectly addressing me and how much of a looser i was, she made fun of how i didn’t have a car, she would say how i sucked as a partner and how i really didn’t love her. I did i LOVED HER so much. These post would kill me.