The best way to get over someone… is to download Tinder [FM]

Thank you so much for the lovely feedback from my first story. (The best way to get over someone…is to get under someone else!) I thought it was about time I shared my next sexual adventure after my long term relationship ended. For a backstory check out my other post!

I had never had a dating app, I found the idea of them cringey and perhaps a little desperate. But just a few weeks after being dumped, with the gentle prodding (borderline blackmail) from some close friends, I found myself downloading Tinder. Honestly the nicest part was just chatting to people, it provided a great distraction and made me feel not so lonely. The first guy I gave my number to was Will. I felt like I already knew him, we had hundreds of mutual friends and he lived a short walk from me. It baffled us how we had never crossed paths before! We were in very similar situations, “recent break ups”, so it was nice talking to someone who was on the same page. We didn’t arrange to meet until we had been texting for nearly a month, mainly because I felt a bit apprehensive about meeting a “stranger” and worried it would be awkward, although we seemed to get on great over texts. He teased me about this and made me feel at ease by suggesting a pub in between us that we could both easily walk to. Somewhere public and I could leave whenever I wanted. I knew the rep Tinder had, and although I was not a prude, I had only been with my long term boyfriend and one of my friends. I made it clear I didn’t shag on the first date.. (ha… ha.. ha..)

The best way to get over someone… is to get under someone else [FM]

Long introduction, skip to ********* for sexy bits!

Hi, I am a long-term lurker of this subreddit and would like to share an important chapter of my life with you guys. I was in a relationship for 6 years, he was my first sexual partner and when he broke up with me 5 months after I graduated University, I was crushed. My friends would joke about how every girl needs their ‘slutty phase’, and after having just one sexual partner at the age of 23, I realised a lot of new experiences awaited me. I have always been a sexual person, I had a higher sex drive than my ex, and honestly I could not imagine going without sex for months on end.

The second person I slept with was one of my close friends, and I am ashamed to admit that it came within two weeks of the break up. Having said that, when exactly is the ‘acceptable’ amount of time to wait before jumping into bed with someone else? It was unplanned, exciting and, quite frankly, primal. I knew Jack before my boyfriend, and we use to drunkenly make out on nights out so we always had a bit of chemistry there. We use to spoon but that is as far as things ever went, I was a virgin at the time and knew I did not want to lose it to a guy like him. He was a real ‘lad’ sort, the man-whore, the ‘player’, but we ended up becoming great friends – I knew exactly who he was (and to a degree, still is!).