Kent – A Simple Conversation That Leads to Me on My Knees [FM]

I was out having a burger with a friend when my wrist started to vibrate. I did my best not to look at it as I was trying to be attentive to my friend. He eventually got up and excused himself to the bathroom and I checked my phone. It was Kent and he’s not a big texter, so he asked me to give him a call when I get a chance, because he had something to ask me. I told him that I was on his side of town and would stop by on my way home if that was ok and he replied “perfect”

I got to Kent’s house and he greeted me at the door. As I entered the smell of food wafted in the air. His housemate Jason’s family was in town and they were eating. Instead of going through the awkward mid-meal conversation, he shepherded me up to his room.

Kent – Pushed Over The Edge [FM]

I had texted Kent the night before and got the denial. He got home late from his weekend of backcountry fun and was “tired”. So, after my meeting with a potential client, I decided to go for a run and then chill at home. I was being stubborn and didn’t want to seem desperate, after my run, I made dinner and straightened up and decided to take a nice long soak before bed.

I poured a glass of wine, turned on some music, lit a candle, and sunk into my warm tub and let the my body soak up the heat. The combination of red wine, weed, and warm water made everything better. My mind went blank and sunk into deep relaxation. A few minutes later, I was interrupted by a ping, and seconds later, another ping.

Kent had apologized for being too tired the night before and invited me over. I told him that I was in the tub and almost done with my second glass of wine and pretty high. He told me to take an Uber over to his place and was again met with a no. I wasn’t about to get dressed and ride an Uber over to his place then have to somehow get home in the morning when he went to work. He finally relented and said he’d be over in 15-20 minutes. I set my alarm on my phone for 10 minutes and drifted back into my bath coma.

Kent – Morning Sex with My Anti Plus One Partner – Part III [MF]

I woke up facing Kent and watched him sleep for a second before I climbed out of bed and went to pee. As I came out of the bathroom, I saw that he was awake and he did the same. I watched him walk across the room with a semi hard cock, and then I heard him drain his fire hose.

I wanted to see his reaction when he came out of the bathroom. I had covered myself from the waist down and watched him come back into the room. His cock was harder and he walked over to my side of the bed and bent over and kissed me. My hand reached over and took hold of his hardening cock and I gently stroked it. Our heads separated and he stood up and watched as I gently worked his cock with my hand. He began to roll my nipple between his thumb and forefinger which made my mouth open and I murmured a soft moan. His hand moved under the sheet and his finger slid into my wet slit. I spread my legs wider to give him more access. He moved even closer and I moved my body and took him in my mouth. Kent’s multitasking skills showed as his hips slowly moved his cock in and out of my mouth while his finger waggled my clit. All I had to do was moan with a mouthful of cock, and the anticipation of stretching my pussy festered in my head. I finally couldn’t wait any longer and separated myself from his cock and moved to the center of the bed.

Kent – My Anti Plus One Partner – Part II [MF]

I was curious on whether he would join me in the shower or just wait in bed. I quickly rinsed and wrapped myself in a towel moments before he gently knocked on the door. I opened and smiled and he gave me a quick kiss before using the bathroom.

Kent came out to find me waiting for him. He came over to me and pulled at the towel. It dropped to the floor and I watched him scan my naked body and bit my lip as he grinned. He came closer and kissed me and walked me backwards towards the bed. I laid down and he climbed on top of me and we continued to kiss until he slowly worked his way to my neck then my breasts. His tongue flickered my nipple while his hand squeezed and tugged at my other breast. I watched as he switched and repeated on my other breast. A few more sucks then he moved lower kissing his way down to my wet pussy. His body slid off of the bed and he pulled me with him until my ass was on the edge. He spread my legs and and kissed the inside of my thighs working closer to my pussy. I closed my eyes and felt his tongue gently drift up and down my slit before pushing inside me. He placed his hands on the inside of my thigh and I spread them wider as his tongue burrowed inside of me. I couldn’t resist moaning.

Kent – My Anti Plus One Partner – Part I [MF]

I got a text from a friend that she and her boyfriend were throwing a dinner party. I was invited, but I had to bring a plus one in order to attend. Gone are the days of being the single person at a friends house when they invite you over for dinner. She fucking 25!!!!!!……..I guess she will be joining the local bridge club next. I told her that I was working until about 7 and would stop by later….if the plus one restriction were lifted…..they eventually were.

After having dinner and drinks with my coworkers, and receiving a few texts my friend, I finally made my way over to her place. It turned out that her couples and plus 1 party got blown out and there were singles folk roaming about like vultures, trying to steal someone’s unsuspecting spouse…..I wish, they were playing spades.

FWB > LTR – Valentine Quickie – Jacob [FM]

It had been a long day. The Super Bowl hangover had left my head and I was finally feeling mostly normal. I had motored through the day and was going to treat myself to a nice hot soak in the tub followed by a roll in my freshly laundered sheets with a toy. It was the first Valentines Day that I was not with someone, and in many ways I was going to relish in being single and not buying into a commercialized holiday.

I was finishing the latest episode of 1883 when my phone buzzed. It was Jacob seeing how my “other” Super Bowl party was. He took offense when I left his party after half time and headed over to my coworkers Super Bowl Dance party. For the past week or so, he had been pushing for an upgrade to a relationship. He’s a great guy and there is some solid sexual chemistry, but I am not ready to get back into the relationship game. He’s super driven and has a demanding job, which is great, but it encompasses his life and at this point, it’s a deal breaker.

The Wee Hours of Our First Sleepover – Jacob [FM]

The room was dark. It was the first full night that I had slept with Jacob. We were spooning and I had to pee. I slid out from under his arm and made my way to the bathroom. I came back to bed and slid back into my place, nestled up against him and draped his arm back over me.

I re positioned myself and could feel his cock against my ass. I began moving my ass a little and I could feel him getting harder. His hand slid down my thigh and back up and he grabbed my breast and began pinching my nipple between his fingers. He kissed my neck and as his hips began grinding his hardening cock on my backside. I turned to kiss him, but he didn’t allow me to move. His hand moved down to my pussy and I tried again to turn onto my back. He leaned into me and took control. He grabbed and moved my thigh to gain better access to my pussy and slid his finger into me while grinding cock against me. I was completely turned on and tried to resist. He became more forceful which turned me on even more. His hand worked my pussy. Grabbing, pinching, and sliding in and out of me. I began to moan and my breathing picked up. He began to concentrate on my clit. I tried one more time to roll on my back, but he thwarted me again. His hand pinching my pubis and while his finger did circles on my clit. His cock was rock hard sliding between my thighs. He shifted his and I was on my stomach with him on top of me. He leaned in and whispered in my ear that he was going to fuck my tight little pussy raw. I nodded with approval.

Our First Sleepover – Jacob [FM]

I met Jacob a while ago through friends of friends and every time we go skiing, my group would end up running into him and his group.  I didn’t know much about him, but he was tall and handsome in a boyish way. My friend Sarah has been trying to get us together, because he’s good friends with her boyfriend and she’s that kind of friend that imagines us doing “couples things”.

I am not ready to do the “couple thing”, but I am into the “FWB thing” and Jacob and I have been hooking up on the sly for the past few weeks after we hung out and watched the Chiefs/Bills game with a group of people. He has a demanding job, so many of our “visits” have been me going over to his place, us having sex, and me leaving. I leave because he gets up really early and I don’t want to be “that girl” lingering in someones house or I don’t feel like driving home early in the morning and trying to fall back to sleep.

I (F24) Fed Ex After Hours Delivery – Dale [FM]

I spent the day in the clouds with a few self doubt storms. My most of my clients conversations went in one ear and out the other. Luckily many of them were not my hardcore regulars, so I didn’t have really be engaging.

My day finally ended and decided to forgo the typical employee Friday evening drink fest and ordered two rolls from a little sushi restaurant near my place. As I snacked on the sushi, I rummaged through my closet and drawers. I ruled out sexy robe and lingerie, it wreaked of desperation. If Dale showed up, we are having sex. I decided it wasn’t going to be the first thing as he entered my place…..unless he wanted it that way. So, I decided on a sexy little lacy black set and a baggy sweater with tights. I showered and prepped for his arrival. Condoms were strategically placed around my place, in case we didn’t make it to the bedroom.