Identity [Gentle MDOM]

I heard your car pull into the driveway, so I went out to meet you in the front yard. You were gathering your things and I made it to the car in time to open the car door to let you out. You stepped out gracefully, in spite of the tight, knee length skirt.

Your face was blank. A completely unreadable mask. I cocked an eyebrow and asked, “Well?”

Suddenly your face broke into a huge smile. “I got the job!” You squealed as you threw your arms around me.

Curmudgeon as I am, I couldn’t help but smile too. “Of course you did, they’d be idiots not to hire you.”

You leaned back to look me in the eye, “Not only that! They offered me 10% more than what I was going to ask for!”

I held your face in my hands. “That’s amazing. I’m so proud of you.”

You blushed a little as you said, “Thank you.”

I swiped a strand of hair out of your face and cupped your cheek with my hand. “What are you?” I asked.

Guilt Free [NC]

We hadn’t seen each other in years, which I guess is a bit surprising in a city this size. I don’t know. Maybe it was intentional? Maybe you’d seen me once or twice and had left quickly before I’d seen you.

I wouldn’t have blamed you. It was a pretty rough breakup. I know all breakups are messy but ours involved all the fire and explosions that marked the majority of our relationship.

Regardless, I hadn’t laid eyes on you in years and I have to say time had been good to you. Somehow you’d only gotten better with time. Even after a couple years of marriage and having a kid, your body had gotten even more enticing.

Obviously it was something you worked on, considering when I saw you you were running the trail in the park. I’d just finished my run too and was cooling down on a bench, drinking some water.

At first I wasn’t sure it was you. I had to do a double take – really a triple take – before I believed it. But sure it enough, there you were, starting your run, hair up, leggings and a tank top tight enough to show off your curves.

Eye Candy [Spanking] [BDSM] [Brat]

You were just supposed to be eye candy. You were no where near qualified for the job but the job sucks and I wanted something fun to look at.

I should have realized how much of a mouth you have on you in the interview but you had a flirty smile and I could see down your dress. Yeah, I knew you were just being flirty to get the job. I wasn’t trying to fuck you. I just thought it would be fun to have something to flirt with.

But holy fuck did I underestimate your attitude.

Within two weeks you were giving me lip every time I asked you to do something. Even the smallest little thing that I’d tell you to do, just to try to justify your salary, and you’d have something smart to say. By the time a month had passed I was regretting having hired you. But I couldn’t fire you so quickly without making myself look bad for hiring you in the first place. And you were still fun to look at, even if you did piss me off.

Reminder [CNC] [Free use]

I woke up angry. I knew it was just a dream, even if the memory had mostly faded away. Something about you flirting with some guy – touching his arm, or smiling when he touched yours. Whatever it was it had my blood boiling.

I rolled over to make sure you were still in bed with me. It was still early so I knew you would be but I wanted the reassurance. I curled in behind you, feeling the warmth of your bare back against my chest. I slid an arm underneath and around you. You muttered a sleepy little noise and snuggled against me.

I knew my anger was unjustified. It was just a dream and I tried not to wake you. I ran a hand over your thigh – I always love feeling the contrast of my rough hands on your smooth skin. It wasn’t really my intention but I found myself pushing your leg up toward your waist, spreading your legs enough to rub in between your thighs.

Guardian Angel

Warning: this is a gentle non-consent fantasy. It will not be to everyone’s taste. Read at your own risk.

We’ve been a part of each others’ lives for years. At this point I don’t even remember how we met. It’s like you’ve just always been there, a steady presence in my life.

I know you better than anyone. I know your favorite foods, your favorite books, favorite places to go when you want to be alone. I know your fears and insecurities, the silly little things you do when you need a pick me up, the movies you watch when you need a good cry. I can read your moods by the look on your face and the way you hold your shoulders.

Even after all this time it’s kind of a thrill that you don’t know who I am. Other than a handful of brief encounters when you were still working retail, you’ve never even seen my face.

Mostly I just watch from the shadows, kind of like a stealthy body guard. I make sure you get home from work alright, that no one follows you home from the store – or no one else, at least. I watch – and take pictures.

Perfect Release [MDOM]

As my frustration grew, so did the intensity of my typing. I muttered a curse and deleted the last few lines. At that point I wasn’t so much writing an email as I was punching a keyboard with my fingers.

I heard my door creak open and out of the corner of my eye I saw your head pop in. “Sir, you have an appointment in five minutes,” you said in a tone usually saved for angry dogs and patients in an asylum.

“I do? Dammit. Tell them I’m on my way. I’ve got to convince the committee to … just tell them I’m on my way.”

“Yes sir.”

I tried to reorganize my thoughts and find words that would let me get my point across without making a dozen people cry. Mistakes I could deal with. I could even show patience with well intentioned incompetence. But nothing makes me angrier than laziness and willful ignorance.

Several minutes later I heard you clear your throat, “Sir, your appointment?”

“Yeah just a minute,” I growled.

I deleted an entire paragraph and started over, reminding myself that a proposal of this magnitude required I used fewer four letter words.

My Need

Driving.Traffic. Phone Calls. Red Lights. Deadlines. Meetings. Sidewalk. Budgets. Procedures. Bosses. Interviews. Door. Proposals. Emails. Acronyms. Upgrades. Hallway.


I hesitate a moment to take you in.

You stood at the end of the hall, your head cocked to the side and a sly smile on your face. You were wearing an old t-shirt that barely reached the waistband of your favorite jeans. No jewelry. No shoes. Just relaxed and comfortable. Your chest swelled pleasantly as you took in a few deep breaths – you must have rushed downstairs to greet me when you heard my keys in the door.

“Welcome home, Si…” a clatter interrupted your words. I’d dropped my keys and bag to the floor.

I crossed the few feet between us quickly, grabbed your face in my hands and crushed my lips into yours. My momentum carried us on until you bumped into the wall behind you.

You froze for a moment, startled by the break from our routine. But you quickly recovered and melded into my kiss, wrapping your arms around me. Our kiss was long, and rough, and intense. As I tried to draw your soul into mine.

Categorized as Erotica

My Brat [M -Dom F -Brat]

I answered the fourth or fifth time you called in a row.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I’m bored and hungry,” you said, with enough attitude to sink a boat.

“We’ve talked about this. I told you work was going to be crazy today. If I can possibly answer the phone I will in the first call or call you back as soon as I can. If you call more than twice it had better be an emergency.”

“But I …”

“Didn’t we talk about it?”

“Yes,” you said petulantly.

“Yes what?” I asked, my voice stern and demanding.

“Yes sirrrr,” you drawled.

I softened my tone. “Babe, I want to talk to you. I do. But I’ve got to get this stuff done today. People are waiting on me.”

“But can’t you just talk to me for a little while, while you work?”

“No babe. You know you’re distracting as hell. And the longer it takes me to get this done the longer I have to stay here which means the longer till I get to come home to you.”