The New Treatment Plan [M42F20] [dubcon]

“So, tell me about your week.”

The soft light of late November filtered in through the windows. Bass lines floated through the air, hinting at some event occurring across campus.

She lay on the couch, her soft, plump, tanned legs slipping up and away beneath a short skirt. Knee-high socks accentuated her gifts, her tight top cupped and brandished her chest.

I caught myself staring again, then looked away, crossing my legs and refocusing on my notes. ‘Nymphomaniac’ had been written and underlined several times.

“I think I did a little better, sir.”

“Melissa, you don’t have to call me that.”

She said nothing, then continued. “I only slept with my roommate’s boyfriend once.”

I restrained a sigh. “That’s an improvement. How many times did you sleep with him last week?”

“Four. Five if you count blowjobs.”

“Do you think we should count those?”

“…Yeah, I guess. He’s just so horny, and she never gives him any pussy. I feel so…just so bad for him. He’s a nice guy. He deserves to feel good, doesn’t he?”

“…I’m not sure I’m the one to answer that.”

She sighed.

The Celibate Priest Saves the Village – Part 2 [M31F35] [breeding] [dubcon]

Part 1:

“You’re being childish, Father.”

“You can’t hide in there forever, you know. Eventually you’ll need to eat.”

Sophia Caladena stood on the stonework outside of the priest’s wooden door wielding a basket of her own home cooking. A small blanket covered it and the two bottles of wine she’d hidden below the bounty. It was a hot day, the sun shone down through the trees and their leaves ringing the old temple. The rain from the night of their first encounter had entirely dried, leaving no trace. She thought of the rain…the storm…

“Father, do you intend to neglect your duties as priest of this village? To cower away in there forever? I thought men of God were made of sterner stuff.”

…Footsteps, faint and quiet approached the door from the other side.

Sophia smiled.

On the other side of the door, Father Marcos Vilpena grimaced. She was right, of course. His bread had run out yesterday, his stomach already wrenching and growling in protest. He looked around. He couldn’t hide in here forever, but…nor could he go outside, and face the…women.

The Celibate Priest Saves the Village [M31F35] [breeding] [dubcon]

Woe. Dark days behind and before us. A village, my village wracked with grief.


The storm took everything. Not everything. Not everyone.

Maglin is a small village clinging to an inhospitable island from which it takes its name. Fishing is, was the only industry keeping the blood flowing through the town, but…

All the village’s men were out, even the young apprentices. It was a freak, a rogue thing tearing up from the South on an unseasonable current, on a rare wind. It broke upon the island first, sending shutters flying and flooding basements. The chill that ran through us that day was not for ourselves, but for the men in all of those boats who had set out for the yearly bounty.

None returned.

Our loss, our terrible loss was not a hammer blow, but the letting of air. We, all of us collapsed, devoid of hope, of joy.

As I preside over the final funeral without a corpse, the women of Maglin, clad in black and black veils descend the long stair back down to the village hugging the water’s edge. I am alone outside my little temple whose aged walls offer no shelter from the cold. It is a hot day, yet I remark, as I stand in the Sun, that I feel no warmth.

Coach Gets the Best Out of His Athlete – Part II [M42F20] [dubcon] [noncon] [degradation] [breeding]

It had taken a week or two or constant attention, reinforcement, but we had finally fallen into a routine. Kelly had proven to be tougher, more willful than I’d imagined. Perhaps I’d been hoping for the best. It had been difficult, true, but the hardwork, the determination, the drive had all paid off.

I hummed a little as I left my office, heading for the girl’s locker room, already nude, a towel over my shoulder. If someone discovered me now, seeing me like this, my life would be over. I smiled. There was something thrilling about that risk, that possibility. I rode the razor’s edge as I approached the locker room door. I could already hear the shower running, our shower running. I sighed in satisfaction.

I pushed open the door.

“Coach? Coach, I’m serious. Not tonight.”

More ritual. More pageantry. I assumed this little show Kelly put on every night soothed some part of her that needed to resist me. It was fine, she always shut up by my third thrust.

“Coach! I’m not kidding!”

I pad through the locker room. The place is a mess. Towels and waterbottles and trash all over the place. No respect. It was a shame. I shook my head, then took the corner into the showers.

A Little Fling at the Rave [M30F21] [noncon]

Light. Sound. The air in my lungs vibrated as I squeezed my way through the press of people. I was blind, in a way, not because I couldn’t see, but because there was too much to see. Lights, laser lights, glitter, reflections, bodies, skin, hair, tits, ass, legs, arms, faces. So many faces. They blurred together.

I rubbed hand over my face, it felt…numb? Not numb, stretched? What the fuck?

I blinked, trying to focus. I took a deep breath. My lungs felt…big? Hollow. They were hollow. What?

…Fucking asshole. That fucking asshole. An anger springs up and spreads its arms through my body, my neck. Fucking piece of shit. Of course. Of course this fucking happens to me.

I blinked hard to steady myself as whatever drug that piece of shit had given me instead of the one I’d asked for washed through my blood. Ride it out. Just have to ride it out. What? A few hours. I…can…

…A light springs through my skin, my muscles, it’s…whatever it is, it feels so fucking good. I’m melting, standing there as waves of sound thunder through my body. I’m drowning in velvety fire, a big stupid grin spreads over my face, before I can focus again. And focus I do.

Coach Gets the Best Out of His Athlete [M42F20] [dubcon] [noncon] [degradation]

I sat in my office, behind my desk. My leg was bouncing up and down, my hard cock had already slunk down my gym shorts, hugging my thigh. It was strained, straining. I needed release. It was my own fault, really. Dancing around the idea of blackmail, coercing a college student into sex, fucking one of my athletes on my desk. Nothing, I mean, nothing got me off more…

I adjusted my opinion. It wasn’t my fault. It was her fault. She was a goddamn idiot. Useless on the court. She couldn’t serve for shit and she never communicated. I mean, she never fucking communicated. I shook my head just thinking about how shit of a volleyball player she was. I knew she must have been hot in high school, anchor of the team, now she was here, big fish in a little pond. She was my problem. Well…

I smiled. The problem for her was that she was here on a scholarship. I kick her, that’s gone, then she’s out for real. Packing her bags back to mom and dad somewhere. The college had handed her to me on a silver platter, all I had to do was have the balls to take her. My balls were aching already.

The Live-In Surrogate [M38F23] [breeding] [free use]

Today was the day…

I’d woken up as usual, kissing my lovely wife, Susie on the cheek, rolling out of bed, getting in the shower. It was in the shower though, that I realized…

Today was the day…

I felt a deep, warm arousal spring into my blood as I realized, recalled that you were coming. Today was the day you moved in.

…My wife, Susie, and I had been trying to conceive for a year before…well, before the doctor’s gave us the news. I loved- I love Susie with all my heart and it broke me to watch what it did to her. It took me months, hell half a year to convince her that I wasn’t going anywhere, that we could try other options. Everything though…well, it was so damn expensive. Were we really supposed to go into heaps of debt just to attempt to have a child? It was maddening.

We had been running out of hope, when a friend of mine, well, a coworker really, recommended this new company. It was, sort of a matching service, designed to connect us with live-in surrogates, women who were medically proven to be fertile and willing to exchange their…skills, for room and board.

Enchantment Magic is for Lovers [M24F20] [fantasy] [dubcon]

The magelight flared in blue-greens, weirded teals, red shadows. There was a pause, a hanging few seconds of silence. Uncertainty. Possibility…


Spell runes still sizzling and fading in her hand, Lyri collapsed onto her bed, burying her face in the covers. Her curly mop of black hair was a silken mass, a blanket to hide her shame. She lay there for a few moments before beginning to mumble incoherently, pathetically into her mattress.

Barrow sighed. He looked at the bit of dirt beneath his fingernails, worked a bit of magic, and cast it away. He was clean once more. He listened to Lyri’s unintelligible tirade while resting his chin on his knuckles, his elbow on his knee, his posture slumped forward.

She was hopeless. This was…what, night four and the girl couldn’t even work a light spell. Her hands were all wrong, clumsy and slow. Her words were wrong too. She kept mispronouncing basic runes. The worst was her theory. She’d hit upon the idea that magic was somehow innate, personal, which was wrong. Flat wrong. Every wizard her age understood that.

Stuck in the Wall [M30F23] [noncon]

It’s late. The sun has set, it’s light draining out of the Western entrance of the mall. Fluorescents are on everywhere, their static, manic glow illuminating the mall in stillness. The only sound as I make my rounds are my own footsteps, the whir of the air conditioners high overhead.

Night shift.

I take a sip of coffee from my gas station travel mug. It’s bad, a necessary badness. I yawn and regret it immediately. I can’t be doing this now. It’s so early in my shift that I-

There’s a noise, a crash. I freeze.

Nothing happens. There are no other noises.

I wait for something to happen, but nothing does. Finally, I conclude that it’s me, I have to be the one that figures out what the sound was. I sigh and raise my heavy flashlight, my only defense. As I move, I begin to get the sense that the sound came from one of the utility hallways that connects different parts of the mall. The one nearby connects right to the parking lot, so it could be anything, or anyone.

The New Inmate [M42F27] [noncon] [dubcon]

Warden Beddington turned the photo of his wife and kids that sat on his desk to face down. He smiled. It was his little ritual, the only sign, besides his burgeoning excitement, that something was about to happen. And something was about to happen. He eased himself into his chair and steepled his fingers, measured his breathing. He’d seen Ms. Davenport’s photos, he’d even jerked off to them twice. She was a beauty. Not a stunning one, not by any means, but a rough diamond. She looked like she’d be the sexiest woman in the trailer park. Beddington smiled, reveling in his own cruelty.

He was a large man, barrel chested, 42 years old with graying black hair. He wore a brown suit with a red tie, his own personal uniform for the past ten years or so.

He glanced out the window to the yard. Women in orange jumpsuits milled about down there. One of them was pregnant with his child. He sighed in satisfaction. This was his place. His domain. His prison.

There was a knock at the door.

“Come in,” he said.