[F]ound out my flatmate’s boyfriend likes raiding my laundry

So about a year ago, I used to have a flatmate that would steal some of my stuff. So to prove it, I set up a security camera that would ping my phone and record if it sensed movement in my room. Since then, my flatmate was evicted, and was replaced by a girl that quickly became a close friend. Regardless, I’ve kept my security camera just to be safe.

Recently, she started bringing her new boyfriend over. He’s sweet but kinda awkward. I’d leave for work at around 9am, and he’d almost always be coming up the stairs to go into my place and wake up my flatmate. That was pretty much the extent of our interactions, because he’d always be gone by the time I get home.

Since a month ago, my security camera sends me a notification at least once a week, and everytime I open it up, it’s my flatmate’s boyfriend taking one of my panties out of my laundry basket. At first, I felt kinda disgusted, but after thinking about it, I was feeling kinda horny. So, I just let it continue. I never confronted him about it, and I never told my flatmate what happened. I’ve even gone so far as to masturbate into a pair, and just leaving it for him to find. It was a red VS pair laid perfectly on my bed, just begging him to take it, and he did.

The only [F]emale student becomes the class slut

This post is inspired by a post made a while ago by a girl in a similar situation in r/stupidslutsclub , couldn’t have done it without her!

Hey everyone! I’m a junior majoring in Computer Engineering at a college that is mostly made up of STEM majors, and because of that, our campus are male dominated, 70% of it being dudes, so I’m used to that 7:3 guy to girl ratio, increasing as I progressed to higher level classes

It’s became a norm for me, as my high school was also largely STEM based. I was the only girl on my high school robotics team, making hotel stays during competitions more exciting due to the constant (consensual) groping I got from teammates and members of other teams. So I’m used to being the center of attention in that regard

Now, this is gonna sound conceited, I’m a pretty hot girl that’s always surrounded by nerdy guys, which makes it easy to get laid, and even easier to get a reputation for being a bit of a hoe. I left that reputation behind in high school, only fucking around a bit in college, but not enough to get a reputation.