Camping Tail PART 3 [Tease][Seduction]

I woke up with a start. Checking my phone, I saw that it was already mid-afternoon. I had slept for almost four hours and awoke to the dull glow penetrating the thin walls of the tent. At some point, the ladies must have strung up a tapestry to separate our little sleeping area from the rest of the tent, creating a bit of privacy.

Sitting up, stretching the sleep from my limbs, I could hear the ladies talking animatedly, hidden from view somewhere on the other side of the tapestry.

“How does this look?” said Abby, from behind the tapestry. “Do you think it’s too much?”

“No, you look hot,” came Heather’s reply. “You’re gonna be the hottest bitch out there this weekend.”

“You think so? But you, girl, look at those titties! I wish I had tits like that.”

Heather’s laugh rang through the tent. “They are gonna be out and proud all weekend. I just can’t get over how incredible your ass looks.” Her words were punctuated by the smack of a hand against an ass, followed by a smatter of light laugher.

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Camping Tail PART 2 [M/F][Public][Voyeur]

The sun was just peeking over the horizon as we arrived at the campgrounds. Hulaween was always held at Spirit of Suwannee Music Park in Florida. An eight-hundred-acre nature preserve replete with towering live oak trees dripping with Spanish moss, I consider this place to be hallowed ground. Every year during Halloween weekend, it becomes home to roughly twenty thousand festival enthusiasts, who come for the music, the atmosphere, and the experience. It is truly an unforgettably magnificent place.

“Well, ladies, we’ve arrived,” I said. Having left in the wee hours of Thursday morning, we were amongst the first cars to arrive. One of the best-kept secrets of the festival was the Thursday pre-party. They only sold a few thousand tickets to this first night meaning a select few, usually only the seasoned veterans, would make the journey down to jumpstart a weekend of fun.

Heather yawned widely while Abby stretched in the backseat, rubbing sleep from her eyes. The earlier events of the drive had faded as sleep had overtaken both of friends, leaving me in silence to fantasize about what the weekend might have in store.

“Eeee, we made it!” exclaimed Heather, shaking the sleep from her eyes and giving another big yawn.

Camping Tail PART 1 [F][Voyeur][public]

“How’re you holding up?” asked Heather, sitting in the seat next to me. It was pitch black outside, nearly 4 a.m. as we barreled down the winding country lane.

“Yeah, I’m doing alright,” I said, “just trying to keep my eyes on the road.”

We had left town about an hour ago, in the middle of the night, shortly after I had closed down the bar and gotten home from work. The car had already been loaded and ready for departure. Seasoned festival veterans, we packed our tents, air mattresses, tarps, tapestries, and o our camping and cooking supplies days in advance. Over the years, we had amassed quite a collection of camp gear. Now that Hulaween had arrived, it was time to put it all to good use. A weekend full of music and dance awaited, nestled amongst the moss-covered live oaks of Suwanee Music Park.

The car was loaded to the brim, trunk stuffed, and back seat piled high with bags filled with cloths and costumes. You could hardly pick out Abby, tucked into the seat behind Heather, half-buried beneath a pile of pillows and thick, comfortable duvets. Abby was one of Heather’s best friends and was joining us for her very first Hulaween. She and Heather had loaded the car while I had been at work. The plan: I was going to drive us down; they were to sleep and rest so they could take charge in setting up camp.

Airplane Mode [M/F][public]

My eyes shot open with surprise. Head still resting against the window, my legs were cramped from confinement in the uncomfortable airplane seat. Yet, the hand massaging my cock certainly made me begin to forget about my discomfort. Becca was still snuggled under my arm with her head resting on my chest, her hand tracing the outline of my package.

It was a relatively full red-eye flight back from Portland to Atlanta. We had spent the weekend visiting family and exploring the great outdoors, even taking the time to catch a wild show with lots of bass and a killer light show. With everything going on, there hadn’t been much time for intimacy. We had both been so tired that we both had passed out before the plane even left the runway, drifting off into a deep sleep…or so I had thought.

It was Bound to happen [M/F][Mdom] Part I

Dirty thoughts had been running through my head all night long. We had spent the better part of the last four hours socializing with friends and coworkers at the annual company Winter Gala event. A raucous band blared in the background as the crowd wandered between the expansive dancefloor, the sea of tables and the crowded bar over in the corner. Strands of twinkling white lights stretched over their heads, casting a warm glow down over the entire affair.

Ending a casual conversation with the spouse of a co-worker, I turned and saw Hanna talking with Derek, from the IT department. She was wearing a skintight blue dress that hugged her hips and sported a slit that rode dangerously high up her hip. From this angle, he could see the plump swell of her breasts peaking out from the deep cut of her dress. Her cleavage practically spilled out of her dress. The way she was standing allowed the dress to fall to either side of one of her legs, exposing her thigh. Matching stilettos accentuated the roundness of her ass and the hourglass shape of her form. She was absolutely ravishing, easily the sexiest thing in the room.

Vegas: City of Dreams [MFF] Part 2

Seeing Alexa moving, they slid over to one side of the bed to make room for Alexa to join them. Maeve climbed off Chase and rolled onto all fours, propped up on her forearms and presenting her ass. Chase, removing his boxers now soaked with sex, repositioned himself behind Maeve’s waiting hips. With him kneeling between Maeve’s legs in the middle of the bed, Alexa crawled in near the head of the mattress. Sitting close to Maeve’s head, she made herself comfortable, propping pillows up against the headboard.

Maeve’s eyes were locked on those of Alexa’s as Chase teased her, spreading her labia with the head of his throbbing cock. He played with her clit a bit to warm her up before slowly pushing himself inside her. By this point, Chase was watching Alexa’s face, too, and saw her mouth open with a small gasp that subconsciously imitated the moan coming from Maeve. He noticed that although she still wore her pajamas, her hand had disappeared down her pants and was buried between her legs.

Vegas: City of Dreams PART 1 [FFM][FF]

Trailing a handful of steps behind, Chase watched as Maeve and Alexa, arm in arm, opened the door, laughing as they stumbled into the waiting suite. It had been an evening of dining and dancing. The bright lights of the Vegas strip had sparkled in the cold, dark night as they bounced from casino to casino until they had found themselves nestled into a VIP booth at Club Omnia. They had been part of a larger group but as the night got longer, their crew dwindled until it was just the three of them still out on the town.

With Tiesto headlining that night, but it had been loud, hot, and crowded. All three of them had worked up a sweat as the bass kicked and the party raged around them. Alexa wore a tight mini skirt that clung to her like body. Her skimpy top worked hard to disguise her modest bust but she compensated by a well-rounded ass that she was not shy of shaking. Not to be outdone in the slightest, Maeve dazzled with a tight little black dress with a slit that ran almost all the way to her hip, accentuating her curves. She rocked a pair of dangerously tall, red heels that caught the eye and encouraged them to wander up her slender legs to gaze upon her hourglass frame. The plunging neckline commanded attention though, revealing ample cleavage. He had caught more than one lustful stare from guys stuck in the mass of bodies packed into dance floor that extended out in front of the booth.

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