Christmas shopping with Val, slipping in the back door (part 2) [M][F]

Val was out of breath by the time we made it home. She had continued to finger and rub herself the rest of the way for me. The whole car smelled of her and I was loving it.

The kids were all asleep when we got in, so she rushed to the bedroom while I saw to it that my mother got on her way. When I got into the bedroom, Val had already stripped down to just her bra and stockings. Such a beautiful sight. Her gorgeous, curvy frame standing before me. Her pale skin contrasted by the black lace of her lingerie. Her strawberry blonde locks falling just so.

She walked over to me in a sultry manner and began to help me undress. “Well baby, what do you think?” I reached behind her to unhook her bra. ” I think you’re hot and I love you.” She kissed me and smiled. She let her bra fall on the floor and pressed her pale tits against me. Her hand reached down and undid my pants. My cock began to come back to life under her touch.

Christmas shopping with Val (part 1) [M] [F]

The holidays are upon us yet again. While I imagine that the bulk of holiday shopping will be done online this year, I think back to the time Val and I gave each other presents while out doing our Christmas shopping.

Our first Christmas together as a combined family. Val had locked herself away to get ready for date night/ Christmas shopping while I was getting the kids ready for grandma. Val emerges from the bedroom wearing a black, knee length dress with boots and stockings. “Whatcha think babe?”

“Gorgeous, my love.” I reply. My mother shows up and soon we’re out the door and in the car. As we’re riding, I began to notice Val sitting differently in her seat. Instead of her usual relaxed posture, she sat upright and every small bump in the road would make her let out quiet whimpers. “Are you alright sweetheart?” I asked. She would just nod or say not to worry.

Though every store, I noticed that she was starting to walk differently too. She was also being extra affectionate. Deep kisses every chance she got, finding reasons to brush against me and rub my cock through my pants when it was safe to do so. Don’t get me wrong, I was throughly enjoying the attention, but I knew something was up.

Val wants to try butt stuff. Continuing the walk down memory lane with my wife. [M] [F]

One of the many things I love about my wife is that she always wants to try new things. A new food, a tv show, she’s willing to give it a try. Another thing that I love about her is the fact that she doesn’t hold anything back. Val will tell you just how she feels about any subject.

It had been almost a year since Val and her son moved in with me and my kids. Things were going great on that end. But, as anyone who has done this before could tell you, some things do get sacrificed along the way.

Now, I’m not going to say our sex life became stale. Routine was more the accurate. We still enjoyed it and had it fairly regularly, but it always ended up being the same three positions every time. Oh sure, I would eat her out like it was my last meal and she enjoyed giving me surprise blowjobs whenever she felt like it. Still, we both could tell we were at risk of falling into a rut.

I get Val to let her inner goth back out [M] [F]

I’ve been telling you about my continuing adventures with my wife “Valerie.” Presently, I have come home to her every day, but today’s memory comes from the day we packed up her tiny apartment’s contents and moved them into a place big enough for everyone.

It had been an amazing year for me. Not only was work going great and my kids were living with me, but I had Val. We had come to a very important place in our lives. While we were still uneasy with the idea of being married again, we knew we wanted all of us to be together. So, it was decided that her and her son would join me and mine.

When it was time to do the heavy lifting, everyone pitched in and in no time at all our house was full of love… and boxes of shit everywhere.

The continuing adventures of me and Val [M][F]

In the beginning of our relationship, Val and I wanted to make sure we were doing things right this time. So, we weren’t in a rush to jump right into bed just yet. We had years of each other’s lives that we had to catch up on. That first taste would have to last us and we were fine with it.

She met my kids, I met her son. Her mother and my parents still remembered one another and got along. We had plenty of date nights together. We made out and groped each other constantly. We were happy with that.

We dated like this for a solid 6 months. Of course, the want was there. Text messages got more and more racy, certain pictures were exchanged. It wasn’t long before we couldn’t take it anymore.

I managed to get the whole week off for the 4th of July. She had work for the first part of the week and I had my kids, so I decided that I would throw a bbq on the fourth. She brought her mom and her son and my family came too. We all had a great time hanging out. The kids played and the adults laughed and joked. Val pulled me to the side and informed me that her mother was going to take little man for the night. When every one else went home, she was all mine. She then kissed me and ran her hand across the front of my shorts.

A second time around [M] [F]

Hello again, time for another “second coming of age” story. I’ve told you about my fun but brief relationship with a former crush. I’ve talked about my two hook ups. I have even mentioned the time my ex wife and I worked our frustrations out. None of those experiences have thrilled me as much as these next series of tales.

I’m sure most of us, at one time or another, has met a person and thought “we would be awesome together” but it wasn’t the right time.  Well, that’s exactly how it was for me and the current mrs.

You see, we were really good friends in school.  Nothing ever came of it then. She had boyfriends or I was seeing someone. But her and I always got along better with each other than anyone we were ever dating. By the time graduation came, I had given up hope. Time passed and we lost touch, and I met my first wife. Well, we all know how that went. Moving on.

[M] I fucked my ex [F] after I punched her boyfriend (long)

I’ve come to realize that I’ve been recounting my tales in a chronological order of sorts. Starting with my separation from my first wife to what happened before meeting my wife now. I guess there’s only one story left before I begin talking about my current relationship. Sadly, it’s not one I’m totally proud of.

My first wife and I married very young. We were out of our teens, but not by much. 12 years and 2 kids later, we’re calling it quits. I wanted to go to counseling, she wanted her coworker. Needless to say, things didn’t end on a happy note. I’m not going to waste time with the details here, but there were some pretty hurt feelings.

It had been two years since we had split up. I had my job at the resort and enough experiences with other women by now to know that I was attractive and liked. Things were really starting to go well. There was one restaurant in the resort that was completely open to the public. Mostly, outside contractors and construction workers came there to eat. I was helping my supervisor with some repairs when I heard his voice, the guy I was left for.

I [M] had sex with the [F]airy bartender (long)

Hello everyone, I know it’s been a while since my last story time. Work has been… let’s just say special. Here’s one more of my between marriages tales.

The season was beginning to slow down at work and while my company had no intentions of doing lay offs, hours had been cut. I found myself in need of supplemental income. I had a friend who said the bar he worked at was looking for a gimmick to keep people coming in the doors. I suggested a weekly music night.

His boss turned that idea down. But a week later, I get a call asking if I wanted to mc an open mic night. One night was all it took and now I had an extra weekly check until Christmas. Things were good. I got to tell jokes, play music, and listen to all the local talent. I got along with all the staff and soon it became the highlight of my week.

There was one bartender there who I got along with exceedingly well. Long legs, soft freckled skin, and hair the color of sunrise. For the sake of this story (and the fact that I’m listening to an 80’s playlist) we’ll call her Eileen.

The pool girl [f] [m]

In my last story, I told the tale of moving into a new place and discovering my new neighbor was an old friend and the copulation that followed. Sadly, that one ended with me moving and her going back to baby daddy. This next tale is an experience I’d like to share involving a creature I didn’t think existed… The pool girl.
      Those of us who are familiar with penthouse letters know of the pool boy.  That strapping young man that lusty and lonely housewives pine for every summer, but until I started my new job, I didn’t know there was such a thing as a pool girl. I mean, sure it’s not a gender exclusive occupation, but you don’t usually see a woman doing this job. (Disclaimer:  any one can do any job, male, female, or other. This is just an observation)
       I had only been at my new job as faculty maintenance tech(handy man) for the winter months.  The resort pools were getting ready to open for the Easter holiday and it was my job to go check the area for things that needed fixing. Not going to bore you all with the details, but a good day’s work making sure all was ready.
     I had just arrived to unlock the gates when the pool company’s truck pulled in right behind mine. Oh, what a vision stepped out of that vehicle. Mid height, maybe 5’7″, cute bubble butt, and the company polo she wore didn’t hide the d- cups at all.
       She did the smile and nod and we both went about our respective business. It was maybe 2 or so hours into setting up the tiki style bar when I heard a string of curses coming from her end of the pool area. I looked up to see her run into the bathrooms while cursing some guy’s name.
      Another hour went by and I had finished my work. The pool girl still had me blocked in and she was nowhere to be found. Then I heard her, still fuming, in the supply closet. “Miss, you okay?” I asked. She opened the door and looked up at me. Her makeup running down her face.
       “What?” She growled at me. Oh, I’m so sorry.” She quickly apologized for being rude and tried to clean her face with her arm.
         “It’s cool, I was just going to see if you could move your truck, but if you need a few, that’s fine.” I tried to be as unimposing as possible. “Are you okay, though?” I was expecting a brush off answer like “yeah” or “who the hell are you?” But instead I ended up getting the full story.
         To keep from getting too long winded, boyfriend was caught cheating and pool girl’s friend sent pictures. After the whole story about their relationship and what-not, I could only muster a short but very sincere. “His loss.”
        “What do you mean?” She looked at me as sat down beside her.
       “Well, you seem pretty cool and you’re much prettier than whoever that is in the picture.”
       “Thanks.” Before I could say anything else, she kissed me full on the lips. I sat there very confused as to how that just happened. “You’re sweet for saying that,” she began, “I got mad and now I want to get even.
         Now, I know not to stick my dick in crazy, learned that lesson from my ex wife, but it had been a while and I wasn’t going to argue with her logic. I led her to one of the private family bathrooms that had a lock on the door. Once inside and with door locked, we wasted no time.
        The kisses became more aggressive as we stripped each other. I lifted her on to the countertop and kissed my way down to her chest as she unhooked her bra. Her tits were even more amazing than I thought. Full, very perky, and just a hint of tan line. I greedily kissed and suckled each nipple as she moaned. She started to guide me down her body. I took the hint and kissed my way to her navel. My hands grab her hips and I pick her up slightly so she can remove her black thong.
       I pride myself on my cunnilingus skills. Gentle kisses on the thighs and lips before licking and sucking her clit. Her legs wrap around my shoulders and she pulls my face in closer. I feel her grab a handful of hair as she rocks her hips. She grinds her pussy on my face as my tongue goes from clit to inside herself.
She lets out an “oh, fuuuuuuck” and begins to shudder. Her legs tighten around me and I get pulled in closer to her pussy as she comes.
       She finally released me, her body still shaking. She comes off the counter and steadies herself in front of the mirror. I reach for my pants to get the trusty wallet condom. I gently slide my cock in, and I’m met with gasp and a sigh. I try to start slow, but pool girl wants something else.
        “Dude, just fuck me!” She tells me. With that, I just go for it. I forgo the slow build and begin to ram her at her request. The mirror in front of us giving me a wonderful view of her tits bouncing with each thrust. The only problem with fast fucking is that l don’t last. I tell her that I’m getting ready to cum. She pushes me back and gets down on her knees. She yanks the condom off just in time for me to blast her face.
        She strokes all she can get out of me, the cum running down her chin to her chest. She takes her phone out and snaps a couple of pics to send to her boyfriend. On her last pic, she puts my cock head into her mouth and raises a middle finger (classy).
         Still a mess, she gets off her knees. “Thanks dude, that was fun.” She wipes the cum off her face but leaves the mess on her chest as she gets dressed.
          I didn’t see her any more after that. I asked the current pool boy if she still works for that company, but no answer.

[M] reconnecting with an old [f]riend after my divorce [long]


When my first wife decided to end things, I found myself trying to start my life all over again. I had found a place big enough for myself and my two kids that would be coming over for weekend and holidays. On moving day, as I was unloading boxes out the back of my pickup I heard a voice say “So you’re the new neighbor.”
I turned to see on old friend from high school standing in the opposite driveway. Her body slightly matured but her face the same cute and friendly way I remembered. She ran over and hugged me, her 5’3″ athletic frame a drastic difference from my 6’5″ and heavy set body. We stood there and caught up on the last 10 or so years. We talked about my kids and hers, we exchanged phone numbers, we made the usual platitudes of “I’m here if you need anything” and for the first time in a while I felt good again.