Tales of an Old Job #1 – A Bit of DIY [MF]

So I recently moved on from the job I’ve had for around 6 years and into an actual career type thing now. I’m like a proper adult now ugh :/

So anyway this past job got me all through uni and a made me a decent enough amount of money to survive and do all the fun stuff a student does. It wasn’t anything glamorous, simply a sales assistant job at a furniture and homeware store. Being an early 20’s student away from home I made the most of it and over those five or so years I’ve managed to amass a few tales that I hope will entertain.

Also I’ve never written something like this before so any feedback is greatly appreciated :)

#1 – A Bit of DIY

So this must have been a good two or three years ago now. I was snowed under with assignments and projects from uni and this usually meant I didn’t have as much time to go out and party and socialise as I’d like. I used to finish working in the library, have my work uniform in my bag and run to work and get changed.