I love the summer…

I grew up well off. Well off enough to have a summer home to live in when school got out. My family and I would live on a relatively small island up north for the 2 or so months between school years. When we were young we loved it; swimming in the lake, playing at the park, eating at the only restaurant on the island, whatever it was.

But as we all got older our interests shifted. There were parties on the island- some kids parents would leave for the weekend, maybe they’d go to the beach and throw a party. It didn’t matter where it was, there was VERY minimal law enforcement on the island. There was drinking, drugging, swimming, hook ups, everything that you’d think of. This island was full of high school and college kids with a little too much money from dad, 2 months of absolute freedom, and enough alcohol to last a decade.

Me and my twin brother picked up a job at the only place hiring on island, the pay was pretty bad, but the crew working there was only kids our age. It became an absolute necessity to work there if you wanted to be in the social network of kids. Just our first week working and we already got an invite to a party- at denna’s house the next day. Her parents were gone and anyone was invited.