[Incest] [F/d] Eating my husband from my step-daughter.

I’m 32, once divorced, remarried last year. My first husband didn’t want children and I did. I thought we would work it out between us once he had made the adjustment from dude to husband. Wrong: he obtained a vasectomy despite my intense objections. I got a divorce lawyer despite his. The judge was furious about the vasectomy and gave me a great settlement.

I started dating, but single guys in my age cohort were rare. I found Terry, a widower with children. Dating a middle-aged man with kids was everything I had heard – bad. They always tended to pull his attention away from me. He cancelled several dates we had arranged when one of his kids suddenly “didn’t feel well”. While we were dating they were generally cool and distant with me, but never impolite. I thought I understood them, seeing me as this new person who wanted to take some of their only parent’s attention from them. I wanted to make it work.