I [18F] gave head in a parking lot after meeting someone [M] at the Toronto Indy race

I’m not an erotica writer by any stretch, but writing out my experiences helps me process them, and I’ve never shared anything like this before so I thought it might be interesting. Skip to the second break if you’d like to go right to the dirty bits, the first part is more setting the stage and some flirting.


So I actually know nothing about car racing at all, but I got invited to go with some people to the Toronto Indy race last weekend. I’ll be honest, I was just trying to get out of the house and didn’t really have high expectations for it, but the race was actually surprisingly exciting to watch!!

Throughout the race, there was this guy in our group who kept explaining to me what was going on. The rules of racing, basically. Pointing out which cars were which drivers, stuff like that. We’ll call him Kevin. He was in his mid to late twenties (Dunno his actual age.), about 6’2”ish, short curly brown hair, and these really intense green eyes. Clean shaven, with full lips and a big smile.