The hunter and his prey chapter one: a royal welcome (MF)

Long read ahead very slow burn

I suppose that i should introduce myself to prefaceĀ  this story. I ask you forgive any mistakes I happen to make as i am not much of a writer, no my profession does not demand such formalities. I hunt monsters, some may call me a Witcher or others a necessary evil it matters not to me so long as I’m paid for my services. Contrary to popular belief most of us still have a conscience and basic grasp of right or wrong more or less we take it upon ourselves to deem if something deserves to die but of course for the right price our morals can be overruled, i won’t lie to you dear reader we are a greedy type but i would claim that I myself am kinder than most which has nearly cost me my life on several occasions but if i weren’t so successful i wouldn’t be alive.