My wife was pregnant, and she needed my dick. [M/F]

I still remember exactly where I was when she told me. Living room couch, playing some video game (which one, I can’t remember). 2:30 pm, on a Saturday. The bathroom was behind me and to the left, so that if I craned my neck and looked, I could see the door from where I was sitting.

Emma was in there. She didn’t tell me that she was taking a pregnancy test. We had been married for a few years at that point.

I heard her fumble with the doorknob before the door pulled back quickly. So quickly that it startled me.

“Will, I’m pregnant.” She didn’t scream it, but it was said forcefully. Excitedly. The grin on her face was spreading.

“No…fucking…shit,” was all I could offer, staring at the result. Her smile beamed from her face, bright and cheerful. It was so big that I started smiling too.

Honeymoon sex with my new wife. [M/F]

Long time reader, first time poster, yaddayadda. Sorry this is so long, didn't want to leave anything important out. This has always been one of my favorite subs, and I thought it would be fun to contribute, as I don't really have an outlet for this stuff in my daily life. This story, and any others that follow, deal with only two people–my wife and I. We're each other's first and only. Advantages, disadvantages, sure–but we've definitely had our share of hot moments, and I thought it might be fun to share some of them. We'll see where it goes.

For backstory/setting, Emma is tall with perfect, soft blond hair, pale skin, and C cups. She is a tad on the overweight side, but it’s never affected my love for her. Her ass is pillowy heaven. As for me, I’m fairly tall also, and I’m also a little heavier than I should be. Emma has always told me that she likes my dark blond hair, though, and my broad shoulders.