Literally just happened. [FM] Anal

32M 29F

6’ chubby dad bod

5’2” thick with a booty on top

Author: 32M

TLDR: I put it in my wifes butt after we drank margaritas…

Quarantine, starting to get really bored with this. I broke down the other day. Found myself in a state of depression. I got a ton of stuff done around the house the last four weeks, but it looks like we have another 4 weeks to go of social distancing. I just wanted something fun to do. No luck finding an outlet. Plenty to do, just nothing that sounded fun. This was probably 7 days ago. I just wanted to find something fun to do. I played video games, I did stuff around the house. Probably tied up 5-7 projects. Also made big strides starting another 2-3 projects. ADHD, I gotta have a few things going at once.

Both me and the wife can work from home, we both have sales positions. But selling industrial equipment in this economy is not easy. Our best bet is to just wait this out the best we can.

[M]y [F]irst successful anal with an ex girlfriend many many moons ago.

First off, this is my first story I’ve posted. I have lurked for a long long time and really enjoyed reading this sub. So I decided it was finally time to contribute. This is my first post but there will be many to follow. Over time I’m hoping to relive all the memorable moments I’ve had.

I was months away from going into the navy. I had recently graduated high school and was dating a girl going to a local college. We had been dating for probably like 6 months at the time. The night we met and first had sex will be for a different time.


We where taking a shower together like we did pretty frequently, we both had our own apartments. I loved showering with her, she had played soccer in high school, she kept up on her body and she had really great tits. Like just oversized for her frame. I guess I should break down our stats…

Her. She was about 5’6”, maybe 140lbs. All tits and thighs. Beautiful blonde hair, and just an overall bangin body.