New Apartment, New Life, New Neighbors [MM] [Voyeur] [Masturbation] [Part 1?]

Starting your life over at 30 is never fun, but here we are. New city, new apartment, newly single, new me, right?

Of course, I still make the same mistakes I’ve always made. Like moving on the hottest day of the year! I had some help from my friends for the larger items, but they left before helping me with the heaviest of the boxes. So now, what was supposed to only take a few hours, took me most of the day to complete. Still, I hauled every box through all of the sweat and heat, up to my 5th floor studio just as the sun began to set. The studio isn’t nearly as big as my last place, but it’s brand new, with shiny new counters, appliances, and huge open windows with a view of the courtyard down below, and another wing of apartments across the way.

It was getting late, and there was no way I was going to unpack anything tonight. Instead I ordered some chinese and beer through Postmates and collapsed on my couch to look at the beautiful night sky. I barely touched the chinese, but the cold beer was doing wonders to help cool me down after my brutal move. I knew I would be crashing on the couch, so I turned off the lights and began to strip down for the evening.