My cousin broke up with her ex, Max, right before quarantine. They identify as primarily enby, uses they/them pronouns. Skinny, lots of tattoos and a nose ring, short curly hair with the sides shaved, they’re super cute and wear big round glasses. Probably 5’5”. Super pretty smile and great teeth and smooth skin and a strong jawline. Lots of grunge/skater clothes. They’re like 23-25 years old, working a trade job which I think is like building conveyer belts?? Not totally sure lol
While they were dating we joked around a lot and always got along, making fun of my cousin at family parties and stuff. They seemed really nice and was super into my cousin but in the end they broke up. We hung out once as a group and went to the lake. They wore tight, small swimsuit shorts that showed off their round ass and a bikini top. They was seriously super hot but I assumed they were just into women. Until obviously this story lol
Anyway, they broke up before quarantine and I hadn’t spoken to them since until they commented on my Instagram post and we started a little conversation about pride month. One thing led to another and turns out they’re also into men and then I told them same lol which they weren’t super surprised about.