My wife rode an 18 year old cock on vacation (M/F)(Swinging)

I am [M36] and my wife is [F38]. We got married later that most people do and agreed to keep things open sexually. We’ve done a bunch of partner swaps and have really enjoyed the freedom that brings. She and I both agree that this approach has made out relationship stronger.

A couple years ago, we went on vacation with married friends of ours to a tropical resort destination. We had played with this couple before, but never full blown sex or swap.

One night, the four of us went to dinner and followed it up with some heavy drinking. We ended up back in my wife and I’s hotel suite, and clothes started to come off. Or rather, at least some clothes started to come off. The husband of our opposite couple had easily put down the most alcohol of all of us. He told us he was going to briefly lay down on the patio furniture we had on our balcony. Within seconds, he was passed out for the night.

My wife was also in rough shape, past the point of enjoyably drunk. As the women and I stripped down for some fun, I got the vibe that my wife was not long for this encounter. She ultimately passed out.