This is how I lost my virginity. [f]

I was a frustrated virgin. I so longed to have sex, but I wasn't sure how to go about it. I'd missed the wild parties of freshman year, and the chance to be wanton with men. I'm not necessarily the most social person in real life, but I wanted a risk, I wanted a fuck.

I made a post on CL, offering my virginity to the faceless strangers of the internet.

For days, I received email upon email. Some men only sent dick pics, which I deleted immediately. If he couldn't be bothered to write anything, then I couldn't be bothered to respond. So I read through every single email. I deleted the ones that were too generic and the ones that seemed to focus more on my appearance.

I selected a guy. I didn't ask his name. All I knew was that he was a virgin, as well. I pictured it poetic, as well as less risky from an STD standpoint. He told me he would pick me up at 8pm at a particular intersection. I gave him my number, went to the intersection, and waited.

I didn't expect him to show up, but he did.