I [M] finished inside the annoying guy’s girl [F]

Restrictions lifted and my friends and I decided to go book an cottage in cottage country. It was mostly guys with a few of their girlfriends and some of their single friends. All in all, it looked like it was going to be fun at least. Lots of quarantine sexual tensions rising, I was hopeful something would happen.

One of the friends in my friend circle is a dick. Let’s call him Paul. I really don’t like him if I’m honest. Growing up he was a total dick, liked to bully a lot, and now surprisingly has confidence issues. But from time to time needs to assert his dominance and make sure we know he is alfa. Then a few hours pass and he tries to be vulnerable. He’s kind of weird like that. Only reason why we’re in touch is because of our mutual friends, otherwise we don’t have a relationship.

Paul brought the girl he was dating, they weren’t too serious or anything by the sound of it. I instantly recognized her. We used to play tennis together in high school and we kind of had a thing for each other, we’d give each other compliments a lot. Really cringey and dumb, but we were kids.

Primal sex with the building manager [MF]

I got an email from the property manager that they were going to fix an issue with the heating units in a bunch of the apartments and mine was one of them. The window of time when the property manager and workers were going to come in and check the damage was wide and decided I wasn’t going to wait for them to leave to do my workout. I was in no mood to push my workout hours after when I normally do it for them to likely show up late.

I put the bench in the middle of my tiny apartment on a gym mat and use adjustable dumbbells to do my workout. It’s a pretty mediocre workout compared to the gym but I’m trying to stay in good shape through this pandemic. When I workout I dress like I’m actually going to the gym. It helps me focus and get into the workout , so I put on my usual tight gym shirt and start lifting.

I think I got [M]y childhood babysitter [F] pregnant

I was sitting in the lobby of a hotel waiting for my interview with lots of time to spare. I’ve never had an interview take place in a hotel before and I didn’t know what to expect so I came pretty early. While I was looking around, I noticed a very attractive woman sitting by herself, thinking to myself, she looks somehow familiar. I got up to stretch my legs and walked around while glancing at her, and remembered she was my childhood babysitter.

Her mother was the one that really looked after me when I was about 10 or so, and her daughter, let’s call her Amy, only babysat me a handful of times. I remembered she was in her early 20s back then and worked as a flight attendant because sometimes she would be dressed in her uniform. She was thin, had long black hair, had pale skin and a very cute face. Not much has changed. Amy was sitting cross-legged looking at her phone in her flight attendant uniform and I was eyeing her legs up and down.

[MF] Getting square with my high school bully

It was deafening inside club and I just couldn’t wait to leave. I absolutely hate clubs, and I’d never step into them if it wasn’t for the slutty dressed girls in them. My friends love going and always convince me that it’s going to be a great time. And I mean, there were some fun nights, but more often than not, I feel like their baby-sitter. So, I decided to drink heavy because it’s the only way I can tolerate it.

I’m grinding behind some girl that I’m sure isn’t coming home with me and I hear to my right, “IT’S ROSE BOY!”. I haven’t been called that in ages. I snap my head around and see it’s this bitch that used to go with me to high school.

[M] I nailed my [F] dream girl after her brother choked me

I finished school and was looking for a job which gave me tons of free time. As a single young man living by myself in the downtown of a large city, I was incredibly lucky to be in this position. My friend and I hit the gym hard every day, I’m 6’3 with olive skin, and not exactly hard to look at. I’m not trying to gloat, but my time on dating apps was definitely successful considering my history on them. This gave me a ton of confidence and I dare say I got a little arrogant.

I’m at a house party during the summer with my friends. It’s a total sausage fest except for three girls that are there, and two of them are sisters to these guys. We’re all getting drunk, barbequing and playing games with music blasting. Late coming to the party is a sister to one of the guys, and holy shit she was drop dead gorgeous. The definition of my dream girl. She had olive-tanned skin, brown hair, absolutely gorgeous eyes, a killer ass, and perky tits. I’m staring at her like, “What the fuck, do you guys not see this?”.

I [M] fucked my [F] land lady and finished inside

People are saying the last story I posted was a tragedy. And it certainly felt that way for me. So, I decided to try and balance it out with one fun non-shitty ending story.

I moved into a house with four other roommates for my next internship, except this time it was in the winter. Just to explain a little, yeah, again something happens during an internship. Unfortunately, I never really had any sexual fun (except for with my ex) while I was actually at my uni because my program was brutal. I only went out like four times a semester. Depressing, I know.

That’s why internships were great. Fucking loved them.

After coming back from work I see my two of my roommates sitting in the kitchen. The land lady, let’s call her Sarah, who lives with us is 40 something years old, and her friend is around the same age. Her face was cute, and she aged *very* well. Much better than most, and she was definitely fit and liked to show it off a little by always wearing something tight or showing off her legs in jean shorts… and it’s fucking snowing outside. She had olive skin, light brown hair, and a great smile. The guy, Daniel, kind of looks like her. He had a rock climber look to him, very lean but he had somewhat crazy eyes.

[M] Four months of sexual tension with [F] intern leads to great sex

This story contains cheating. You’ve been warned.

There is just something about summer heat that makes you hornier. Sitting in in my cubicle, staring at my monitor, and listening to hum of the AC, I decided to get up and take a short break. I look up and see this new girl and quickly look away after we make eye contact. She smiled at me, but I looked away too fast to smile back, so I quickly look back at her and smile. But it’s too late, she’s walking away. She’s cute. Very cute. Long dark hair, a great smile, thin frame, and caramel skin. “Ah whatever, no chance she was into me anyway”, I think to myself and just take a short stroll around the office to stretch my legs.

At lunch I sit with all the other interns at this long table, in the cafeteria. It honestly resembled something out of high school with a bunch of young kids sitting at a table and laughing. This was my summer internship while I was in uni, and our company took on 15 or so of us this summer. I sit down and see that this girl looking like she already made friends with the entire table. I come a bit late to lunch because I have a try hard boss and I swear I was the only intern actually doing any real work.