“I’m going to use it to mark your body.” [m/f]

More from https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3o6unt/ive_been_thinking_about_it_a_lot_and_i_want_you/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3rpi5q/please_make_me_wear_it_mf/

Sam decided to write one. Enjoy. :)

The last time Ed posted a story about me, as part of my fact-checking I told him he was missing about five paragraphs describing how unbelievably hot he was. (Of course, I told him this after I had already gotten off reading it) He responded that that probably belonged in a story from my point of view, so here we go.

Ed is fucking hot. I’d never had a thing for any sort of athlete before, but at this point it’s highly tempting to become a groupie for crew because damn, his body is nice. Tall and lean and muscly in all the right places. And such a nice cock too. Plus his face is like, Clark Kent level structured. Basically: jackpot. [ed: flattery will get you everywhere.]

Of course, I’m not a totally shallow person. As you most definitely should’ve figured out from his stories I’m a total submissive, and it’s important to me to fuck someone that a) super cares about consent and my boundaries so that I can leave myself totally at their mercy, and b) is actually enthusiastic about all the stuff I want to try. And Ed? I told him that “maybe, like a little, I like to be tied up, you know, maybe” and he went out and bought a length of rope. And some instruction manuals. Seriously: jackpot.

“Please, make me wear it.” [m/f]

My adventures with Sammy continue from: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3o6unt/ive_been_thinking_about_it_a_lot_and_i_want_you/

Sammy and I are still fucking every weekend, as many times as we can arrange. Sometimes more than that. We had plans last Saturday to go to a Halloween party, which we ended up being fashionably late for because things got out of control at my place before we left. Sammy's a very punctual young woman, so when she says she's going to be at a party at a given time, she's going to be there. Except in this case, we were laying on my couch and I started playing with her. To her credit, she held out for a good ten minutes, but it was just a matter of time once I had a hand inside her bra.

"Can I have your cock?"