26 [F] Making the most of being alone on Christmas

Thought I would share how I spent last Christmas:

Due to a few reasons I was not making the pretty big trip to see family for the holidays, not a big deal to me but was feeling pretty lonely when Christmas day rolled around. So I decided to make the most of it, I put on some holiday themed make-up, a Christmas lingerie gown (Santa red with fluffy white around some of the edges, you’ve probably seen something similar) and took a mirror selfie with an empty wine glass captioned “all alone on Christmas and I’m out of wine 😅”. Then I shared it to my insta story.

It didn’t take long for guys to start DMing me with reactions and offers to bring me wine.

26 [F] I volunteered to be a stripper at my Kenyan friend’s bachelor party while working abroad

While I was in Kenya for an international internship (pre covid) I had a lot of great opportunities to meet new people. I met one group of locals through the university I was working with, they were a mix of students and young professionals. They were super welcoming and invited me to all kinds of great events and places which made me feel at home.

One of the guys was engaged and I was hanging out/drinking with a couple of the other guys while they were planning a Batchelor party. It sounded like fun, renting a nice Airbnb house with a pool, lots of food, music and drinks. At one point one of them mentioned additional entertainment and they got kind of awkward before one said I may not be interested in that part of the planning. I pushed him to tell me and he said they were going to try and find a stripper, more specifically a white woman. It wasn’t too surprising and they explained a lot of them haven’t had many opportunities with white gals so it would be extra special (I don’t remember exactly what they said). I said good luck, and one of them jokingly asked if I had any friends. Then another jokingly asked if I was for hire. I laughed and said I’d do it since the bachelor had been such a good friend. They laughed but we’re quick to ask if I was serious. Going through a bit of a slutty phase I committed to it, which has them very excited.

26 [FM] Part 2 – Volunteering to be a stripper at my friend’s bachelor party

Part one: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/vxgjar/26_fm_i_volunteered_to_be_a_stripper_at_my_kenyan/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

After being thoroughly enjoyed by the man of the evening I snuck out of his room in the Air BnB to one of the vacant rooms where my stuff was. I was cleaning myself up a bit in the bathroom when I heard a knock at the door. I went out to see who it was wearing a new clean set of black lacy panties. I found the guy who had organised it all waiting there for me. He said I did a great job and definitely made the evening, and asked if I was willing to keep dancing for the other guys. He also had an envelope with some cash, he explained it was the cash they were going to spend on stripper(s). They agreed to offer it to me (it was a decent amount, a lot of the guys were pretty well off and had good jobs, some with UK companies/organizations).

26 [FM] I volunteered to be a stripper at my Kenyan friend’s bachelor party while on a international internship

While I was in Kenya for an international internship (2019) I had a lot of great opportunities to meet new people. I met one group of locals through the university I was working with, they were a mix of students and young professionals. They were super welcoming and invited me to all kinds of great events and places which made me feel at home.

One of the guys was engaged and I was hanging out/drinking with a couple of the other guys while they were planning a Batchelor party. It sounded like fun, renting a nice Airbnb house with a pool, lots of food, music and drinks. At one point one of them mentioned additional entertainment and they got kind of awkward before one said I may not be interested in that part of the planning. I pushed him to tell me and he said they were going to try and find a stripper, more specifically a white woman. It wasn’t too surprising and they explained a lot of them haven’t had many opportunities with white gals so it would be extra special (I don’t remember exactly what they said). I said good luck, and one of them jokingly asked if I had any friends. Then another jokingly asked if I was for hire. I laughed and said I’d do it since the bachelor had been such a good friend. They laughed but we’re quick to ask if I was serious. Going through a bit of a slutty phase I committed to it, which has them very excited.

26 [F] Apparently guys used our dorm calendar as a playbook in university

For reference this is a follow up to another post of mine: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qw34cj/f_featuring_in_a_sexy_dorm_calender_for_charity/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

Recently I was hanging out with a friend who I went to university with and was in the same form as me. She also happened to feature in the same calendar as I back then. Anyways while we met to catch up that topic came up. She told me that there was a group of guys that used the calendar to take notes on the girls, record stuff, and used it as a form of challenge to see who could sleep with all 12 (I’m not sure if anyone did)

I guess that one of the guys showed her after having fun. Each month/girl he had notes on how to pick them up, how many guys they knew they slept with, what they liked, what they would do and more. It gave me a really mixed feeling of being grossed out and being turned on, especially knowing I had slept with some of the guys she mentioned, which she joked I had a good tally.

26 [F] I’ve started having a recurring dream again that I used to have in school

So recently I’ve started having this dream that I use to have all the time when I was in school/Uni. Basically the dream involves me accidentally walking in to a changing room full of a guys sports team, like hockey or football. Usually I’m already wearing something like my underwear or a towel. From there these fit attractive young guys take advantage of me. Teasing me, calling me names, spanking, groping, tying me up and having their way with me.

Whenever I wake up I’m always super horny. I haven’t had this dream in years and don’t really know why I’m having it now.

I used to be pretty nerdy/Tom boy-esque and it wasn’t until I started going to parties and drinking until I started hanging out with guys I’d consider “jocks”. I also played volleyball and soccer so I’m also used to the locker room setting. I think because of that and some other experiences led to me having this dream/fantasy.

Anyways, kind of a strange thing to talk about with a friend out 9f the blue so I figured I’d post here. It’s also making me want to go to a frat/house party…

25 [FM] Making the most of being alone on Christmas

This Christmas due to a few reasons I was not making the pretty big trip to see family for the holidays, not a big deal to me but was feeling pretty lonely when Christmas day rolled around. So I decided to make the most of it, I put on some holiday themed make-up, a Christmas lingerie gown (Santa red with fluffy white around some of the edges, you’ve probably seen something similar) and took a mirror selfie with an empty wine glass captioned “all alone on Christmas and I’m out of wine 😅”. Then I shared it to my insta story.

It didn’t take long for guys to start DMing me with reactions and offers to bring me wine.

A guy I knew from a previous job who was a good 10 years older than me but handsome offered to drop me off a bottle of bubbly on his way to visit some family as he felt bad. An hour later I created him still in the gown and he poured us two glasses as we caught up. Eventually we moved from the kitchen to my living room and I put on a record. I walked over to him and got on my knees in front of where he was sitting and asked if I could repay his kindness. He was obviously was on board so I blew him while he played with my hair and grabbed my breasts. I swallowed and washed it down with more wine. He wasn’t able to stay much longer than that so I went back through my DMs.

[F] Featuring in a sexy dorm calender for charity

Back when I was living in residence/dorms in university there were a lot of planned activities and community events plys fundraising. There was a lot of this around the holiday seasons, including a competition between dorms to raise the most money for the food bank. With that context someone in my dorm decided that a great way to raise money would be a fun sexy calendar featuring some of us. I was a bit reluctant but eventually was talked into it with 11 others.

At the time I was still pretty much a Tom boy, I didn’t wear revealing stuff that often but my friends would let me borrow outfits when we went out, so I was already becoming more comfortable with my body but this was definitely a next step.

So things moved along pretty quickly, one of the girls was really into photography and also knew some others who could help out. We were all given a month with a related theme, I got April and Earth Day.

25 [FM] Going out for a lazy dinner turned out to me being the Waiter’s snack

The other day I was having a bit of a rough day with work and the season that I decided I deserved to go grab a bite to eat rather than warm up some leftovers. So I left my apartment to go down a few blocks where there are quite a few restaurants. Not really checking the weather I just threw in my baggy hoodie while going out the door. That turned out to be a poor choice as it was lightly drizzling, still not too bad I thought before getting caught in a bit of a downpour. I was closer to the small Korean restaurant I was heading to so I just powered through the rain till I got there.

25 Ending my international internship with a bang [FM]

Pre COVID I had a great opportunity to do an international internship in Kenya with a university/college there. While it was a bit of a culture shock at first I ended up loving my time there and went home with some great experiences and stories. While I was there I was staying with a host family who were nothing short of amazing. I ended up getting along really well with their son (19) who was a few years younger than me (23). He really helped me learn some of the language and was often times a guide for me when I travelled and experienced the beautiful country. It became pretty clear quickly he liked me more than just as a housemate/friend. I wasn’t too bothered by this as I got used to many of the local guys wanting to get to “know me better” being an “exotic” white girl (the massive amounts of attention wanted and not was definitely part of the culture shock).