The Literal Girl Next Door – Part II – Winter Vacation [FM]

These memories have been so fun to share! Per request — here is one of the final escapades (sex-capades? hah!) that Jeff and I shared together. Again typed up on my phone so apologies for grammar, poor formatting, and the like. Happy reading!

Skip to ————— if you want a shorter read. :)

Part II – Winter Vacation

I was home on winter break during my senior year of college. If you read Part 1 you probably already have a good sense of my looks but to recap I was 21 years old, petite build, 34D, dark shoulder length hair, green eyes, and pale complexion. We had just finished a late family breakfast and my sister and I were working together feverishly on a new puzzle from our holiday loot. The upper portion of the puzzle was a blue and white cloud scene that was driving us absolutely crazy, but we were having a blast trying to figure it out. My Mom was sipping on some tea on the couch, my Dad was reading the paper — the morning had a very “Americana” vibe. My phone started buzzing up a storm and my Dad quipped about the noise. I quickly made my way over to my purse and fished my phone out. There were a barrage of texts from my older, next door neighbor, Jeff. He had been traveling to visit his family for the holidays and had just made it back home. The texts started out innocent enough and then they took a very abrupt turn. He wanted me to come over immediately… I remember my cheeks flushed reading through them. I told my sister that I needed to take a quick break and walked away to find a private space to reply to him.

The Literal Girl Next Door [FM]

Sorry it’s a bit long but it’s all true! I omitted a couple things for anonymity’s sake but otherwise it’s pretty spot on. Move to ********* if you want a quick read. Typed on my phone. Apologies for grammar. Hope you enjoy!

My parents were perhaps more surprised than I when I walked out with that shiny new drivers license. I had procrastinated until my 18th Birthday unlike most of my other friends who were driving at 16. Instead of handing me the keys, I was congratulated and then directed to the backseat for a lecture on defensive driving and the importance of leaving a safe distance between other cars. I listened intently hoping that my respectful behavior would grant the possibility of car freedom later that day. We shared a celebratory family dinner and as we neared the end of dessert my Dad reluctantly handed me the keys.

The Hike [FM]

I was 18, petite, 34D, dark brown shoulder length hair, pale skin (sadly even in the summer) with green eyes. He was 33, had an adorable East Coast accent, short sandy blond hair, about 5’10” and amazingly sculpted shoulders. I thought about his shoulders perhaps too much — at the grocery store, while watching tv, definitely while masturbating (which was around the clock) haha… We’ll call him Dave.

The Summer after high school graduation I worked as a front desk girl at a local fitness gym where we first met. He initially shied away from the “Have a great day!” note that I passed to him, my numerous smiles, and shy flirtation. He told me that he was flattered but that I was far too young — even younger than his little sister. I understood completely but that didn’t stop me from enjoying our brief daily exchanges.

Summer was quickly coming to an end and I was preparing to leave for college. During my last week working at the gym I let him know that I really had enjoyed our Summer chats, brief as they were, and hoped to see him the following year if I ended up back at the club. I distinctly remember that he hesitated, smirked, and wished me good luck as he walked out.